  • Offer Profile
  • IEMCA自1961年以来设计并生产自动钢筋喂食器,如今,它是每种类型的车床,加工中心,研磨机,齿轮切割机和其他类型的机床的全球领导者。
Product Portfolio
  • 酒吧喂食器

  • 搜索最适合您的条馈线,使用下面的一个或多个搜索过滤器。

      • 精英112软触摸

      • 简单、精确和超级Compact

        Elite 112软触摸是一种自动高性能杆馈线,适用于直径在0.8至12.7毫米之间的杆,非常适合在450至3700毫米的杆长度上应用移动式库存车床。Elite是一种高级棒喂食器,易于使用。它旨在满足那些寻求最佳性能和可靠性的人的需求,准确选择薄棒,需要转换时适应性以及即使是最具挑战性的机械的保证也是如此。

      • Elite 220 Superfast

      • Simple, Precise, and Superfast

        Elite 220 Superfast是一种自动高性能杆馈线,适用于直径在2到20毫米之间的杆,非常适合在450至3,700毫米的杆长度上应用滑动式库存车床。精英是优质的棒喂食器,易于使用,精确且快速。它旨在满足那些寻求最佳性能和可靠性的人的需求,准确选择薄棒,需要转换时适应性以及即使是最具挑战性的机械的保证也是如此。

      • Elite 220 Wet

      • 用激光切割的机器解决方案

        Elite 220湿是一种自动高性能杆馈线,适用于直径在2到20毫米之间的杆,非常适合配备有激光切割机的机器应用,适用于配备激光切割单元的滑动床头柜车床。它以450至3,700毫米的长度工作管。Elite是高级棒喂食器,易于使用,精确且非常快。它旨在满足那些寻求最佳性能和可靠性的人的需求,准确选择薄棒,需要转换时适应性以及即使是最具挑战性的机械的保证也是如此。

      • 智能320

      • Simple, Fast, and Smart

        The SMART 320 is an automatic high-performance bar feeder for working with sliding headstock lathes with bar diameters between 3 and 20 mm and lengths from 1,500 to 4,060 mm. The Smart is a bar feeder that is simple to use and fast.

      • Boss 338 HD Superfast

      • 简单,僵硬,超快

        占全球超过30,000个工作单位的老板系列已得到进一步改进,以再次重新定义市场标准。Boss 338 HD Superfast是一个自动杆馈线,适用于直径在3到38毫米之间的钢筋,非常适合使用带固定或滑动罩的车床,可用于1,000至6,000毫米的条形长度。它保证没有任何妥协的最大可靠性;对该产品的持续改进,对细节的关注以及20多年的历史使老板线在每个工作应用程序中都设定了市场标准。

      • 老板552 HD

      • 简单,僵硬,超快

        占全球超过30,000个工作单位的老板系列已得到进一步改进,以再次重新定义市场标准。Boss 552 HD是一个自动棒馈线,适用于直径在5到51毫米之间的杆,非常适合使用固定的床头柜和滑动床头柜车床,可用于700至6,380毫米的条形长度。它保证没有任何妥协的最大可靠性;对该产品的持续改进,对细节的关注以及20多年的历史使老板线在每个工作应用程序中都设定了市场标准。

      • Kid 80

      • The Short, Simple and Fast

        The KID 80 is a short bar feeder for fixed headstock lathes, suitable for working bars with diameters between 5 and 80 mm and with lengths from 250 to 1,615 mm. It is simple to use and very fast.

      • 孩子80 +

      • 简单,健壮,具有子主轴模式

        The KID 80+ is an automatic high-performance short bar feeder, ideal for applications on fixed headstock CNC lathes, even equipped with the sub-spindle. The KID 80+ can handle short bars with diameters between 5 to 80 mm, for bar lengths from 90 to 1.615 mm. It is designed to meet the needs of those ones are looking for accurate machining of short bars, adaptability to frequent work changeovers, and small occupied space. The KID 80+ is simple to use, robust and featured by the sub-spindle mode.

      • 大师865 Verso

      • 一架

        The MASTER 865 VERSO is an automatic bar feeder for bars with diameters between 8 and 65 mm, ideal for applications with fixed headstock lathes for bar lengths from 1,500 to 6,300 mm. The Master is a premium bar feeder, for those who are looking for high performance: elevated rigidity, simplicity of use, fast bar rotation, reduced time for retooling.

      • 大师8重型

      • 一架

        The MASTER 865 VERSO is an automatic bar feeder for bars with diameters between 8 and 65 mm, ideal for applications with fixed headstock lathes for bar lengths from 1,500 to 6,300 mm. The Master is a premium bar feeder, for those who are looking for high performance: elevated rigidity, simplicity of use, fast bar rotation, reduced time for retooling.

      • Master 80 HF

      • 一架, Hyper Flexible

        The MASTER 80 HF is an automatic bar feeder for bars with diameters between 8 and 80 mm, ideal for applications with fixed headstock lathes, for bar lengths from 1,000 to 4,300 mm. The Master is a premium bar feeder, for those who are looking for something high performing: very rigid, simple to use, elevated velocity of bar rotation, reduced time for retooling, and maximum flexibility thanks to the HF (Hyper Flexible) technology which allows a wide range of bar diameters to be worked within the same guide channel.

      • Master 880 Verso

      • 一架, Hyper Flexible

        The MASTER 80 HF is an automatic bar feeder for bars with diameters between 8 and 80 mm, ideal for applications with fixed headstock lathes, for bar lengths from 1,000 to 4,300 mm. The Master is a premium bar feeder, for those who are looking for something high performing: very rigid, simple to use, elevated velocity of bar rotation, reduced time for retooling, and maximum flexibility thanks to the HF (Hyper Flexible) technology which allows a wide range of bar diameters to be worked within the same guide channel.

      • Master 100 Verso

      • Easy, Robust, for heavy loads

        The MASTER 100 VERSO is an automatic bar feeder for bars with diameters between 20 and 100 mm, ideal for applications with fixed headstock lathes, for bar lengths from 1,400 to 4,300 mm. The Master is a premium bar feeder, for those who are looking for something high performing: very rigid with large diameter bars, simple to use, with ergonomic loading, large magazine capacity, and elevated bar rotation speed.

      • Next 25

      • Easy, Robust, for heavy loads

        The MASTER 100 VERSO is an automatic bar feeder for bars with diameters between 20 and 100 mm, ideal for applications with fixed headstock lathes, for bar lengths from 1,400 to 4,300 mm. The Master is a premium bar feeder, for those who are looking for something high performing: very rigid with large diameter bars, simple to use, with ergonomic loading, large magazine capacity, and elevated bar rotation speed.

      • Sir 25

      • Simple, Flexible, and Superfast

        The SIR 25 is an automatic bar feeder for multispindle lathes equipped of 6 and 8 spindles. It is perfect to load bars of diameters between 4 and 25 mm and a length between 2,500 mm and 4,300 mm. Sir allows to nimbly charge bars and manage the recovery of the remnant, without the necessity to use the stock reel. So that, it is possible to save floor space. Sir is a bar feeder simple to use, it guarantees maximum flexibility for bar diameters changeover available on the market (thanks to IEMCA’s patent for adjustable bobbins). It guarantees to reach the highest speed rotation. It is available with multi rack magazine (22 bars + 200 mm) and with bundle magazine (2 tons).

      • 爵士36

      • Simple, Flexible, and Superfast

        SIR 36是用于6和8纺锤体的多点式车床的自动杆馈线。非常适合在5到36毫米之间的直径杆和2500毫米至4,300毫米之间的长度。Sir允许固定杆和管理残留物的回收,而无需使用库存卷轴,从而节省了地面上的大量空间。先生是易于使用的钢筋喂食器,它为市场直径转换的市场提供了最大的灵活性(这要归功于IEMCA可调节孔线专利)。它可以保证达到最高速度旋转。它可以配备多机架杂志(11 bar + 200毫米)和捆绑杂志(2吨)。

      • Sir 52

      • Simple, Flexible, and Superfast

        Sir 52是一种用于6和8主轴的多主轴车间的自动棒馈线。它非常适合直径为10至52毫米,长度从2,500到4,300毫米的杆。SIR允许轻松加载杆并管理残留物的恢复,而无需使用库存卷轴,从而节省了地面上的大量空间。先生是易于使用的钢筋喂食器,它为市场直径转换的市场提供了最大的灵活性(这要归功于IEMCA可调节孔线专利)。它可以保证达到最高速度旋转。它可以配有捆绑杂志(2吨)。

      • 爵士重型索引MS转弯机

      • Simple, Flexible, and Superfast

        SIR HEAVY DUTY is a model range of automatic bar feeders for Index multi-spindle lathes equipped of 6 and 8 spindles. This range has been developed using the platform of the automatic bar feeder Sir Heavy Duty, which is perfect to load bars with diameters between 4 and 52 mm and a length between 2,500 mm and 4,300 mm. The Sir Heavy Duty allows to load bars easily and the recovery of the remnant, without using the stock reel, and thus saving a lot of space on the ground. The Sir Heavy Duty is a bar feeder simple to use, which provides the maximum flexibility available on the market for the changeover of bar diameter (thanks to IEMCA's patent of adjustable bobbins) and it guarantees to reach the highest rotation speed. It is available with a multi rack and a bundle magazine (2 tons). It is equipped with a bar end drilling unit.

      • Pra 52

      • Simple, Universal, and Completely Autonomous

        PRA 52是一种通用的自动棒馈线,用于为配备5、6、8纺锤体的多点式车床的库存驱动。它能够在4至52毫米之间的直径杆加载1.500毫米至4.200毫米之间的长度,圆形,方形或六边形截面。它可以提供多机架杂志(4层450毫米,总计1,800毫米)和一套捆(2.5吨)。全世界有3,000多个客户选择了该酒吧喂食器的易用性和高生产率。