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  • Offer Profile
  • montrac®is the intelligent automation and transport system for interlinking industrial production and logistical processes and provides total flexibility, reliability and efficiency when it comes to conveyor technology.

    20多年montrac®has optimized global production and intralogistics processes of innovators.

    We begin where conventional transport systems reach their limits: montratec provides you with integrated transport and automation solutions – with intelligent control, maximum flexibility and the highest level of availability. Allowing you to sustainably advance your company amid the competition and make sure it is fit for the future.

Product Portfolio
  • montrac®

      • Shuttles

      • Rail System

      • Peripherals

      • 控制

      • TracSet

      • montrac®配置器

    • Shuttles

    • Core components of the montrac®system, montrac®班车是智能的单轴或双轴输送机,配备了on-board power supply。Moving以自我为中心on the monorail, the shuttles are equipped withstate-of-the-art sensors这可以防止与障碍物或其他航天飞机的潜在碰撞。

      每次班车都由无维护的供电low-voltage motorlocated in the axle. Cams on the T-grooves along the track specify shuttle speed and stopping positions.可以预先配置速度参数以最佳满足您的个人要求。

        • montrac®Shuttle MSH4

        • The standard shuttle with maximum driving speed of 55m/min and load capacity up to 30 kg is qualified for many transport tasks.
        • montrac®班车MSH4 Cr

        • 洁净室班车用于干净的房间。最小磨损优化的橡胶驱动器和支撑滚筒,在单轨轨道上具有尖头支撑表面以及非机械停止,可确保最低的粒子排放。
        • montrac®Shuttle Customer Specific

        • The colour of the housing of the montrac®shuttle can be adapted to your corporate design and enables the imprint of your logo. The individualized Shuttle transport products and workpieces up to 20 kg with a speed of up to 30 m/min.
      • Rail System

      • Modular monorail components for customer-specific transport operations around tight bends and over multiple floors.
          • Trac

          • The monorail consists of a colorless anodized aluminium rod extruded profile. The conductor rails can run along the left or right of the entire Trac, thus allowing a flexible positioning of the control modules.
          • Traclink

          • The TracLink is the connecting element between two Trac sections or active components (e.g. TracSwitch). This element provides the electrical connection for the conductor rails and serves as the feeding point of the TracSupply.
          • TracCurve

          • Traccurve可以将TRAC方向变化90°或45°,半径为220 mm / 520 mm。只需使用两个90°示踪剂即可构建180°曲线。
          • Tracswitch

          • The TracSwitch is used to distribute Shuttles from one lanes to two, and vice versa. Thanks to the narrow radii, branches can be realized in a confined space.
          • TracswitchArena

          • The TracSwitch Arena either diverts Shuttles into a bypass or allows them to continue on the main lane. The TracSwitch Arena makes it possible to perform a complete bypass with a single component.
          • traccrossing

          • The crossing makes it possible for two lanes to intersect each other at a right angle.
          • FlexTrac

          • By providing the option of moving diagonally, FlexTrac allows a montrac®transport system to reach different heights. Depending on the configuration, shuttles can move at an angle of up to 12°.
          • TracDoor

          • tracdoor(门)允许蒙特拉克访问®route or access to, for example, manual workstations within the route.
          • Lift

          • 升降机用于航天飞机的垂直运输来解决以下任务:连接两个或多个具有不同工作高度的系统,并将班车从车站送到天花板系统,反之亦然。
          • 分离式

          • For larger systems with a lot of shuttles that require an electrical current greater than 40A, the system must be divided into appropriate segments in terms of power supply. These are electrically decoupled from one another using two IsolationTracs.
          • TracSupply

          • Tracsupply的目的是提供蒙特拉克的导体导轨®电流为24 V DC的运输系统。班车在移动时从这些导体导轨中获得了力量。
        • Peripherals

        • 支持,定位和折叠设备,以增强工作中心的人体工程学。
            • SupoTrac

            • supotrac可以支持手动工作站。在Supotrac中,工件平台从班车上略有升高。因此,可以进行处理,而无需用力应对班车(将力传输到TRAC)。
            • PositioningUnit

            • PositioningUnit PU G4 is used to precisely position a shuttle and/or where a platform requires additional support during the work process to withstand up to 4,000 N of force. The PositioningUnit is available for single or multiple positioning.
          • TRAC控制

          • 简单和复杂布局的TracControl路由模块。
              • TracControl 1

              • The TC1-IRM (Intelligent Routing Module) is an optoelectronic communication module for exchanging data to enable interaction between the shuttle, rail system and SPS master control.

                The shuttle and TC1-IRM communicate with each other via infra-red signals. The TC1-IRM can serve as a communication interface between the rail system and master controller or as an autonomously functioning control component.

              • TracControl 2

              • TracControl 2提供了许多Montrac®运输系统控制选项,其中包括由TracControl 2单元(TC2U)中心控制的单个标准Montrac®组件。
              • Material Flow Controller

              • The TracControl 2 Material Flow Controller (TC2-MFC) serves to visualise, control and record the material flow in a montrac® system and monitor the system status. This optimises control of system utilisation and prevents blocks and congestion.
            • TracSet

            • 曲目组件组件构成了单轨系统的可靠基础。
                  • TracSet

                  • Tracset是一种通用,模块化,高度调整的系统,用于创建自定义的蒙特拉克®系统组件和基础框架。得益于实用的压缩接头(燕尾缝接头),可快速,容易组装出稳健和多功能的轮廓系统。没有机械处理的轮廓,例如需要钻孔。
              • montrac®配置器

              • 设计并优化您自己的自定义蒙特拉克®transport and process system.
                    • montrac®配置器

                    • Montrac®配置器是一种方便的软件解决方案customised transport system layoutswith just a few clicks of the mouse.

                      所有标准的Montrac®运输系统组件都存储在配置器上。所需的组件位于配置窗口中drag & drop。All commensurate connection points are automatically recognised by the software.

                      Operation is extremelysimple and intuitive。为了澄清,integrated user manualprovides extensive information on creating layouts and many other options provided by the software. These include, for example, the generation of stock lists, import of drawings, 3D export of the layout and a variety of tips on how to use the configurator more easily.

                • 参考