导航 :EXPO21XX>自动化21xx>H09:自动化线> FS解决方案
  • 提供个人资料
  • FS解决方案(柔性系统解决方案)是交钥匙解决方案,组件和组件套件的提供商,用于工艺自动化和内部运输铝和不锈钢。
    自2005年开始以来,FS Solutions在制造高端运输系统和各种行业的生产自动化中建立了令人印象深刻的参考列表,例如:食品,烟草,快速移动的消费品(FMCG),电子和塑料。
Product Portfolio
  • FS解决方案, the best in flexible transportsystems

  • FS解决方案(柔性系统解决方案)是交钥匙解决方案,组件以及用于工艺自动化和内部运输铝和不锈钢内部运输套件的提供商。

    Since the start in 2005, FS Solutions has built up an impressive reference list in manufacturing high-end transportsystems and production automation for various industries, such as: Food, Tobacco, Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG), Electronica and Plastic.

    Our engineers and production employees have a lot of experience in the development, further improvement and manufacturing of complete solutions for various production processes.
      • FS解决方案transportsystems

      • FS解决方案can provide you with the following conveyor systems:
        1. Mat-Top Conveyor in Aluminium and INOX;
        2. Chain Conveyor Transport Systems;
        4. Sorting Systems.
          • 垫子输送机

          • 铝或不锈钢,直线和直线和弯曲,模块化或完整系统的结合。得益于这种多功能性,垫子输送机可以用于众多扇区。“ Mat-Top”是FS Solutions Chain传送带的品牌名称。

            The modular Mat-Top conveyor can be used for many purposes, such as adding, filling and packaging individual products. However, it is also possible to transport bulk containers and cardboard boxes.

            在FS Solutions,您可以选择各种MAT-TOP运输系统:

            • Aluminium or stainless steel

            • Quiet, ± 67 dB(A) at a speed of 35 metres/minute
            • Small link size available for very small transitions
            • Low frictional resistance means less energy consumption
            • Quick and easy installation
            • 连锁传送带运输系统

            • A chain conveyor – made of aluminium or stainless steel – is suitable for the internal transport of various products, semi-finished goods and even raw materials. Long distances are easily bridged at high speed.

              Efficiency and speed for your internal transport
              A chain transport system is interesting due to the high speed over a long distance. It is no longer necessary to move products and/or goods individually or in batches. A chain transport system will save you time!

              Little maintenance and limited production stoppage

              Facts & figures of FS Solutions’ chain conveyor
              • No "chain sack" required
              •安静,大约67 dB(a),速度为35 m/min
              •高速80 m/min
              • Minimum stoppage during cleaning
              • Belt conveyor systems

              • 传送带适合许多行业。通用货物和散装商品均被静静地,水平或直线运输。传送带的特征是安装的简单性,其高可靠性和长寿。简而言之,传送带可以在您的内部运输中运行多年,而无需任何维护。

                Delivery programme
                FS解决方案has two series of conveyor belts that are both available in aluminium or stainless steel. The 40 series is suitable for light products and the 80 series for medium to heavy products. Ina addition to the standard conveyor belts, FS Solutions also offers customised ones. Different types of belts are available: PVC, PU or plastic link conveyors.

                • Load up to 1000 kg is no exception
                • Sorting systems

                • FS解决方案的分类系统迅速分类,没有错误。如果您愿意,分类系统每天可以分类24小时。

                  RFID technology for sorting
                  简单的分类器 - 图书馆的排序系统 - 将书籍和/或多媒体项目与RFID技术进行高速且无错误的方式分类。当它们交给他们时,这些物品返回到预定的位置,可以使用专门设计的购物车再次借用。如果排序过程覆盖了几层,则可以安装排序升降机。

                  Facts & figures Sorting systems
                  • Capacities between 0 and 1,500 units per hour
                  •安静,大约55 dB(a)
                  • 滚子输送机

                  • 使用辊传送带
                    A roller conveyor is used light to heavy products with a flat and stable bottom. Our roller conveyors are available with various roller diameters and materials, and if necessary can also be equipped with a drive. Thanks to this versatility, the roller tables and tracks are suitable for many different types of internal transport.

                    • Non-driven roller tables / driven roller tracks

                    • 螺旋传送带

                    • “智能”的螺旋传送带是与专门的螺旋构造器合作开发的。

                      • The "smart spiral" is extremely suitable for small products, between 20 and 180 mm
                      • The chain width is 120 mm
                      • 铝制概况系统

                      • Exclusive trade partner MS+ Automation
                        FS Solutions是MS+自动化配置文件系统的独家贸易合作伙伴。这种德国产品的高质量符合质量FS解决方案将保证。阳极铝是该系统的基础。


                        • Wide accessory program helps with solving many different challenges
                        •配置文件可以以不同的版本发光 - 正常 - 重型
                        •清洁房间和好看的设计资料es with a closed T-sot can be supplied