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  • 全球修复Group - market leaders in retooling, retrofitting, overhauling and service of machine tools

    全球市场的创新技术 -




  • Machinery & Plant Engineering

      • Retooling & Retrofit

      • 在全球重制组中,Wema Vogtland Technology GmbH是机床的大修,搬迁,重新装修和改造解决方案的领先供应商 - 从车间的单个机器到机械工程行业,以及汽车行业的大型生产线以及自动动力的大型生产线
        supply industry.

        Decades of experience and a comprehensive knowledge of machine tools of virtually any type and make have established WEMA VOGTLAND’s excellent reputation as a manufacturer-independent retooling company.

        From the European locations in Plauen, Germany and (AL), Italy as well as from the locations of the GLOBAL RETOOL GROUP in the USA and Asia retooling, overhauling and relocation projects are planned and implemented on site.


        As international market leader in retooling WEMA VOGTLAND Technology GmbH can be proud of numerous references from individual machines to complete lines for manufacturing of engine blocks, cylinder heads and transmission housings.Our comprehensive retooling know-how allows us to give our customers professional support in projects of any size and in any phase of a project.


        Retrofitting and overhauling

        经过数年的运行,一台机器失去了影响生产经济效率的准确性和生产率。这是Wema Vogtland介入的地方。经验丰富的专家和不同的服务产品使机器适合其运营生活的下半年,无论其任务是什么 - 从仅仅大修到完整的改装,即现代化的新组件,包括新组件,例如作为新的控件,自动化或工具处理。
      • 特殊机器

      • Particularly engineered for your component


        Rotary table machines, rotary transfer machines, transfer lines and custom-designed special-purpose machines – all these machine types are designed and manufactured on demand, always tailored to customer’s individual needs. They are designed for large and mid-scale production and can be used in flexible machining systems.


        这种方法的一个很好的例子是线tec machine developed by SVQ GmbH. From the beginnings of a lineboring fixture to a complete, fully automatic machine for precise lineboring of cylinder heads in a micron range. A proven solution which has since been sold to customers worldwide.
      • Relocation

      • Wema Vogtland Technology GmbH将机器与必要的大修或重建活动相结合,无论它是一台机器还是完整的制造工厂。根据我们广泛的逻辑知识,在许多成功完成的项目中证明了我们可以提供完整制造工厂的均匀搬迁。
      • Fixtures for metal cutting manufacturing

      • Optimum clamping of the workpiece is one of the most important factors of the machining process. SVQ GmbH as a leading fixture company with many years of experience and own engineering, manufacturing and assembly resources in Germany and China offers customized clamping solutions, whether it’s for a new investment or the modernization of existing equipment.
      • Welding fixtures & welding lines

      • SVQ supplies welding fixtures for both passenger car and truck exhaust systems and stuctural parts.
        In addition SVQ has made a name for itself as a reliable partner for the design and build of robotized turn-key welding lines welding for the automotive and commercial vehicle industry and other manufacturing industries.

      • 最先进的研磨技术

      • SIEPMANN® Grinding and Polishing Technology for a wide Variety of Applications

        SIEPMANN状态的艺术和磨削技术automation concepts provide solutions for a wide range of grinding applications in the knife and cutlery, tools and surgical instruments industries worldwide. Continuous improvement and groundbreaking innovation have been the foundation for the global success of our SIEPMANN products.



        In addition SIEPMANN supplies robot cells of course as stand alone solutions for both machining and palletizing operations.

    • Automation & Digitalization

        • 您的自动化任务 - 我们的解决方案

        • Effiency and high productivity in manufacturing require a corresponding system automation.

          The GLOBAL RETOOL GROUP with its SPICHER® brand offers a complete system of modular solutions applicable for the modernization of existing equipment as well as for new machinery. Based on the customer's requirements the SPICHER engineers choose the suitable solutions from this modular system or customize the design if necessary.

          For many decades we have been implementing solutions for the interlinking of individual manufacturing
          machines and cells by means of conveyors, robots and gantries and even complete automation systems for processing lines and factory halls - from loading of the rough parts to unloading of the finished parts.

          We are offering a wide range of conveyor and handling systems from simple gravity conveyors to multi-axis NC gantries.

          For the verification of automation concepts, for planning complex processes and for the analysis of clash conditions we are using a simulation tool which allows us to visualize, verify and optimize automation solutions alreday in the planning stage.
        • Retrofit 4.0

        • In the light of the megatrend Industry 4.0 the GLOBAL RETOOL GROUP jointly with a partner from the software industry developed the concept Retrofit 4.0, a complete package consisting of hardware, a software product and a retrofit service package which is aiming first of all at existing manufacturing plants.

          The GLOBAL RETOOL GROUP as a retrofit and automation specialist with the relevant PLC and data base programming skills and the hardware know how for the necessary sensor systems takes over the retrofitting of the required measuring and control equipment.


      • 移动性概念和自动停车

            • 自动停车系统

            • parQing® –

              The parQing puzzle parking system optimizes and efficiently increrases the desity of existing parking space. parQing relieves drivers of the search for a free parking space, makes the usually required special parking spaces redundant and guarantees more safety for people and cars in comparison with conventional car parks.


              parQing is based on a patented system. The vehicles are parked on pallets which are arranged and moving on self-centering conveyor modules and are thus efficiently accommodated in the available parking space. The combination of cross, longitudinal and cross-longitudinal conveyor modules allows optimum movement patterns while using one free space in the

              cars. The most efficient puzzle parking system convinces with ease of operation and a high level of comfort for the end user.