  • Offer Profile
  • 机器类型:

    industry sectors:
    chemicals and pharmaceutical industry, food, beverages, non-food, refinery-, power plant-, medicine-, production-, packaging, casing-, measurement- and testing technology.
  • Robots

  • Why palletising robots by roTeg?

The spectrum ranges from default 1-site cells, not much bigger than the pallet itself, to systems with12 pallet sites.

    • 强大而低维护的机器技术
    • 用户友好的系统控制
    • 托盘高度为1.800毫米(可选的2.600毫米)
    • 针对包装和托盘优化的运动学
    • 1 - 12 pallet sites
    • low investment costs
    • low operation costs

    Many industrial operation processes are already economically automated in various ranges of performance with this simple system technique.

      • 托盘机器人类型Paro

      • Paro®托盘机器人
        • 激光切割精度
        • made in Germany
        • robust, durable version
        • 四个电动伺服轴
        • PC control with CAN-Bus technology

        modular gripping space
        • adjustable gripping space in all axes
        • 选择性地抓住1到12托盘的空间
        • 定制的抓地力高度 /抓地力空间

        • 用解析器技术进行伺服驱动器
        • low-maintenance gears
        • robust linear bearings
      • DePalleising Robot类型DERO 1

        • layerwise depalletising
        • 批准的Paro®-Control系统
        • 低维护,健壮的结构

        • 通过抓地力系统封闭上包装层
        • pulling of the layer onto an integrated layer sheet
        • transport of the complete package layer including interlayer
        • 将层沉积在接收表上
        • 拆卸和单独的层层放置

        • 保证产品处理
        • 适用于化学和制药行业
        • flexible usability for different package diameters
        • 任何数量的托盘站点的可变构造
      • Depallenting Robot类型DERO 2

        • layerwise depalletising
        • 3-axes robot
        • 批准的Paro®-Control系统
        • 低维护,健壮的结构
    • Controls

    • Paro®系列的托盘机器人通过工业PC控制。
        • PARO Control

        • 托盘杆控制控制paro®控制
          • special development for palletising
          • multitasking compliant software
          • integrated packing-pattern generator
          • SPS软件

          • manual operation of the robot
          • 轴单一选择
          • 逐步进步
          • or direct approach of positions
          • 访问位置编辑器
          • 用于保存职位

          further features
          • 语言开关功能
          • 用户administration with different access rights
          • direct access to the packing-pattern generator
          • 速度调节器
          • vacuum indicator
        • 包装模式生成器的详细信息

        • 包装模式生成器
          • 生成优化的包装模式
          • simple, intuitive operation
          • integrated in PARO® Control
          • 3D-PREVIEW

          • editing the entire layer in the layer mode
          • 在软件包模式下编辑单个软件包
          • 自动计算的模式建议
          • 评论功能
          • adjustment of the palletising order
          • 调整位置方向

          • freely rotatable in all directions
          • display with or without pallet
          • display with or without bar code
          • display as line drawing or full preview
      • 吸引系统

      • 您选择用于托盘机器人的夹杂系统

        The performance of a robot system can especially be influenced by the choice of the appropriate gripper.


        Multifunctional grippers are applied, if there is a need for additional functions, like interlayer discharge or measuring and inspection operations, besides the original pick-and-place task.

          • 单选

              • palletising robot for pails

                • lid-sparing palletising
                • palletising of two different bucket sizes
                • with automatic gripper adjustment
                  accurate placement of the packages
                • 通过手指的转弯端片
                • handling of buckets weighing up to 30kg
              • palletiser with clamp gripper for long goods

                • 默认的夹具夹具用于笨拙的长货
                • 通过悬架系统抓紧抓地力
                • 对于不同的产品量度
              • 托盘仪与握把货物

                • 带有叉子元素的抓手下默认值
                • extremely stable product handling irrespective
                • 电解质水平和流动的倾向
                • very good layer pattern generation and thus high transport stability
                • 适用于最多40公斤的所有类型的麻袋
              • 带有特殊抓手的托盘仪

                • 默认的夹具夹具用于笨拙的长货
                • 通过悬架系统抓紧抓地力
                • 对于不同的产品量度
            • Multi pick

                • palletiser with double-pick gripper for boxes

                  • default double pick
                  • 对于可变包装尺寸
                  • 快速调整系统
                  • high payload
                  • 简单,健壮和低维护系统
                • palletiser with double-pick gripper for CD covers

                  • 默认的夹具夹
                  • for delicate products
                  • 单选
                  • 简单,健壮和低维护系统
                • 用于研磨光盘的托盘仪

                  • finger gripper for special packages (inside gripper)
                  • multifunctionally applicable due to its modular structure
                  • 个人调整易于实现
                  • 简单,健壮和低维护系统
                • 带有多袋抓地力托盘的托盘仪

                  • 模块化结构
                  • simple active principle
                  • extremely safe handling
                  • 简单,健壮和低维护系统
                • palletiser for large pallet trays

                  • 默认的夹具夹
                  • up to 8 large trays manageable
                  • 通过悬架系统处理的保证产品处理
                  • 托盘重量高达40公斤
                • palletiser for bucket palletising

                  • default gripper for two buckets with lid
                  • under-gripper system with shut-keeping function
                  • 批准和健壮的模型
                • palletiser for small boxes

                  • 默认的真空吸盘带2-8个吸盘
                  • adjustable due to its modular structure
                  • 产品更换后手动调整
                  • quick lock with snap-in positions
                  • 批准和健壮的建筑
                • 用于小型显示托盘的托盘仪

                  • default inside gripper with needle elements
                  • 传播机制
                  • 合并的单选项和多选
                  • 托盘重量高达5公斤
                • cartoniser for wine bottles

                  • 默认的葡萄酒瓶
                  • 任意金额和瓶子订单的模块化结构
                  • 通过吸力元素的最佳抓地力
                • 带有层抓斗的重型眼镜的脱衣机器人

                  • 默认的握把带风帽系统中层排放
                  • 对于具有相同直径的重眼镜
                  • 稳固的结构
                  • approved and low-maintenance technology
              • Multifunctional

                  • layer-wise palletising with tray grabbing

                    • CHEP托盘尺寸的默认抓手
                    • layer-wise palletising with centring function
                    • tetrapacks into trays and packages on pallet
                    • robust and stable construction
                  • combined gripper for canisters, boxes and interlayers

                    • 默认的双抓手
                      for canisters and boxes (5 to 40 kg)
                    • 层间处理
                    • robust and stable structure
                    • 批准和低维护系统
                  • 空容器的层面

                    • 默认的抓取灯容器/瓶子的去拆卸
                    • 任何瓶直径
                    • interlayer discharge
                    • robust and stable structure
                  • depalletising of wide-neck glasses

                    • 默认的握把玻璃玻璃的摘要
                    • 可变玻璃直径的抓地力系统
                    • interlayer discharge
                    • robust and stable structure
                    • 批准和低维护系统
                • 传送带技术

                      • 输送机

                      • An automatic change between full and empty pallets needs a smooth transition which is a crucial factor of a palletiser robots’ performance.To bring the robot cell to more efficiency, conveyor technique is used to continue the production process without a break. An intervention concerning the change of pallets is no longer necessary.The change is fully automated by the control system which is supported by integrated software named PARO – CONTROL.

                        生产过程中使用的多功能抓手提高了效率。将不同的握把工具与一个适配器相结合,节省设置和工具 - 改变时间。在生产过程中,可以将多种包裹托运,而无需休息,甚至混合了一托盘。



                        The planning of conveyor technique should come along with palletizing robot’s planning. For this reason all requirements concerning the palletizer robot could be considered right from the beginning. This procedure makes clear that there are no compromises in the end.

                        There is a difference in palletizing robot system:

                        • conveyor technique to handle packaged goods, also package transport
                        • conveyor technique to handle pallets

                        The conveyor technique for packaged goods is classified in
                        • 滚子输送机
                        • 链输送机
                        • chain mats conveyor
                        • belt conveyor


                        The conveyor technique for pallets is classified in
                        • 滚子输送机
                        • 链输送机


                  • 机器建筑

                  • We develop, design and construct machines from the simplest technical solutions to complex machines in all areas of system and machine building.
                    • 特殊机器人
                    • production machines
                    • 包装机
                    • casing technology for measurement and testing technology
                    • 医学工程开发
                    Our main focus lies on the actualisation of simple practicable and affordable solutions for technical remits. Please have a look at the following subsides to gain an overview of our competencies.