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EOS Electro Optical Systems
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  • Offer Profile
  • EOS is the world's leading technology supplier in the field of industrial 3D printing of metals and polymers. Formed in 1989, the independent company is pioneer and innovator for comprehensive solutions in additive manufacturing. Its product portfolio of EOS systems, materials, and process parameters gives customers crucial competitive advantages in terms of product quality and the long-term economic sustainability of their manufacturing processes. Furthermore customers benefit from deep technical expertise in global service, applications engineering and consultancy.

Product Portfolio
  • Welcome to EOS

      • Additive Manufacturing

      • Additive Manufacturing refers to a process by which digital 3D design data is used to build up a component in layers by depositing material. The term "3D printing" is increasingly used as a synonym for Additive Manufacturing. However, the latter is more accurate in that it describes a professional production technique which is clearly distinguished from conventional methods of material removal.
        Like no other company, EOS is mastering the interaction of laser and powder material. Additionally, EOS provides all essential elements for industrial 3D printing. System, material and process parameters are intelligently harmonized to ensure a reliable high quality of parts and thus facilitating a decisive competitive edge. Furthermore customers benefit from deep technical expertise in global service, applications engineering and consultancy.

        Your benefits and possibilities using additive manufacturing with EOS systems:

        • Functional Integration
        • 轻量级结构
          Additive Manufacturing from EOS enables the construction and manufacture of highly stable lightweight structures that cannot be produced using conventional production processes.
        • Complex Geometries
          Additive Manufacturing makes design-driven production a reality. Innovative EOS technology offers designers the greatest possible freedom and enables extremely complex structures to be manufactured.
        • Bionic Structures
          传统生产流程是聚氨酯shed to their absolute limits with bionic structures. On the other hand, Additive Manufacturing offers maximum construction freedom, which is ideal for bionic technology.
        • Shorten R&D Times
          串行产品的快速轨道 - 来自EOS的增材制造,将用户从第一个设计创意到完成的原型,而沿途没有弯路。
        • Reduce Manufacturing Costs
          Additive Manufacturing permits cost-effective production for individual items as well as batch items. The complexity of a part has almost no bearing on manufacturing time and costs.
        • Customized Products
          Additive Manufacturing from EOS requires no tools. It permits customized, batch-size-appropriate serial production.
          • 添加剂制造的系统和解决方案

          • EO提供解决方案,以应对针对特定行业和客户的工业3D打印 /增材制造业中的复杂挑战。EOS解决方案组合是模块化的结构,其元素是完全协调的,并且可以根据需要组合。除了用于增材制造系统外,EOS解决方案投资组合还包括广泛的材料,软件和流程以及广泛的服务和补充产品。
              • 塑料添加剂制造的系统和设备

              • EOS provides Systems and Solutions for Additive Manufacturing of Polymer Series Products, Spare Parts and Prototypes. Without requiring tools, EOS systems make direct use of digital CAD data to produce polymer parts of the highest quality.
                  • FORMIGA P 110 Velocis

                  • The benchmark for industrial 3D printing of polymer parts with outstanding quality — now 20% faster.


                  • EOS P 396

                  • About 38% less energy consumption and up to 32% faster

                    System for Additive Manufacturing of serial parts and functional prototypes from polymer materials. With total build size of 340 x 340 x 600 mm, the EOS P 396 covers the medium build volume range. This modular and highly productive system allows the tool-free manufacture of serial components, spare parts, functional prototypes and models directly from CAD data.

                  • EOS P 500

                  • The automation-ready manufacturing platform for laser sintering of plastic parts on an industrial scale

                    EOS P 500 is the automation-ready manufacturing platform for laser sintering of plastic parts on an industrial scale. It offers high quality components at the lowest cost-per-part and maximum productivity for processing polymers at operating temperatures of up to 300°C.
                    创新的制造平台生产的组件可满足有关机械和尺寸准确性和可重复性的最高要求。得益于巧妙的硬件界面和配件,与前身系统和竞争模型相比,EOS P 500的正常运行时间最多增加了75%。

                  • EOS P 770

                  • High productive Laser Sintering System for parts of up to one meter in length

                    Additive manufacturing system with two lasers for the production of large parts and for industrial high-throughput manufacturing. The system has the largest building volume available on the market for parts of up to one meter in length. With 10 commercial polymer materials and 18 combinations of materials/layer thicknesses currently available for the EOS P 770, EOS is a benchmark in terms of material variety.

                  • EOS P 800

                  • Additive Manufacturing System for processing high performance polymers

                    Additive Manufacturing System for processing high performance polymers with high-temperature laser sintering for process temperatures of up to 385 °C.

                  • EOS P 810

                  • High-temperature polymer laser sintering solution for serial production of demanding composite components

                    EOS P 810 & HT-23: The perfect solution for demanding high-performance applications
                    With a building volume of 700 x 380 x 380 mm, EOS P 810 enables a fast and cost efficient production of plastic parts directly from CAD data. Parts made out of HT-23 material offer high strength at low weight and withstand high temperatures.

                • 金属添加剂制造的系统和解决方案

                • 高质量原型和金属最终产品的无工具制造。EO为工业3D打印的所有过程步骤提供了全面的系统,材料,软件和服务组合。
                    • EOS M 290

                    • The benchmark for the industrial 3D printing of high-quality metal parts - with enhanced quality management features.

                      With a building volume of 250 x 250 x 325 mm, the EOS M 290 allows a fast, flexible and cost-effective production of metal parts directly from CAD data. An intuitive user interface, the intelligent software concept with a combination of open and standardized parameter sets and the improved filter system are specially designed for the industrial production.

                    • EOS M 300-4

                    • 用于工业生产高质量金属零件的数字添加剂制造

                      EOS M 300系列专为工业应用而设计,具有高度的灵活性,并使DMLS质量高达10倍。新的曝光模块可灵活地选择激光数,其功率以及固定或可变焦点

                    • EOS M 400

                    • 3D在工业规模上打印金属零件

                      The EOS M 400 is an additive manufacturing system for the industrial production of high-quality metal parts. A 1 kW laser boosts productivity due to higher build rates and increased layer thickness. With a building volume of 400 x 400 x 400 mm, EOS M 400 allows the production of large metal parts on an industrial scale – directly from CAD data and with no need for tools. The extensive monitoring features take quality management to a new level.

                    • EOS M 400-4

                    • 具有大型建筑物的超快速四重激进系统

                      EOS M 400-4专为工业应用而设计,可提供400 x 400 x 400毫米的大型建筑物,并结合四个激光,最多可提高生产率四倍。就效率,可伸缩性,可用性和流程监控而言,它构成了制造业的界限。模块化平台设计可以轻松地集成到现有的生产环境中,并与未来的创新合并。

                    • EOS M 100

                    • Ideal entry level model for industrial 3D printing

                      EOS M 100是通过添加剂制造快速高效地生产复杂金属零件的高端系统。EOS M 100的尺寸和模块化设计使其成为添加剂制造的入门级型号的理想选择。在过程和组件质量方面,它对应于EOS M 290,这是直接金属激光烧结市场(DML)的领先系统。

                  • Materials

                  • EOS embodies a high level of competence in materials and provides an extensive portfolio of highly developed materials for Additive Manufacturing. EOS' materials, systems, and process parameters are perfectly matched to each other. The portfolio provides the best materials for achieving the targeted property profiles for products. Moreover, EOS is constantly refining its high-tech materials on the basis of specific customer requirements.

                      • EOS metal materials for additive manufacturing

                      • 为了使用DLM(直接金属激光烧结)生产金属组件,EOS提供了全面的金属粉末选择,从铝,Maraging钢和高级钢到钛,以及镍和钴铬合金。这允许高度个性化的产品以卓越的质量生产。
                      • EOS plastic materials for additive manufacturing

                      • The Additive Manufacturing of plastic products can make use of polyamides (PA), polystyrenes (PS), thermoplastic elastomers (TPE), and polyaryletherketones (PAEK). EOS provides a comprehensive range of materials for the Additive Manufacturing process. Customized products can be manufactured to the highest quality.

                    • Industries & Markets

                    • Additive manufacturing overcomes the limits imposed by conventional production techniques. It is already benefiting companies in a wide range of sectors.

                        • Aerospace

                        • Engine and turbine parts as well as cabin interior components are typical applications for industrial 3D printing / Additive Manufacturing (AM. This is where the benefits of innovative EOS technology come to the fore: functional components with complex geometries and defined aerodynamic properties can be manufactured quickly and cost-effectively. Material and weight savings lower fuel consumption and CO² emissions. Manufacturer-specific adaptations and small production runs are further arguments in favor of additive manufacturing (AM) technology. This is why leading aerospace companies have integrated EOS additive manufacturing into their production strategies.

                        • Automotive

                        • 创新,tool-less EOS加法制造provides a new approach to tackling the current challenges facing the automotive industry. It offers maximum design freedom while allowing the creation of complex yet light components with high levels of rigidity.
                          Additive Manufacturing enables the production of components with integrated functionality - without the need for tools, thereby cutting development and production costs. What is more, suppliers can respond to customer requirements by offering individualized serial production of parts.

                        • Industry

                        • Sustainable energy efficiency, constant cost pressures, special-purpose parts in short-run productions, unrelenting deadline pressures – industrial companies are confronted with many challenges. The production of small runs, however, can scarcely be cost effective with conventional, tool-based methods. Moreover, responding quickly to a changed part geometry just before the start of production involves a lot of work and costs. This can jeopardize delivery to schedule, for instance, at parts suppliers.

                        • Lifestyle

                        • 添加剂制造不受设计限制的影响,并破坏了传统制造方法所施加的边界。后者倾向于朝着大量数量迈进:在短时间内无法实施设计变化,个性化的串行生产涉及相当大的努力。这给珠宝和手表,鞋类和网络应用等领域的公司带来了压力:他们在原材料价格上涨,对个性化产品的需求上升以及需要更灵活和分散的连续生产的需求而苦苦挣扎。
                        • Medical

                        • 每个人都是独一无二的。因此,牙科,骨科和植入学的最佳患者护理需要提供完美合适的医疗产品。小型生产运行中生产的一次性组件和组件的需求很高,其材料和制造标准必须满足极其严格的质量要求。这也适用于专业的手术器械和医疗设备。此外,必须使这些产品可快速,成本效益。

                        • Tooling

                        • In many industries, the production of specialist tools us one of the most expensive aspects of the production processes. It is generally expensive, time consuming and very technically demanding to use conventional processes. EOS has the solution: Based on Additive Manufacturing, EOS enables single parts or individualized serial products to be manufactured quickly, cost-effectively and flexibly – even in small batch sizes.