Business Profile

Field: integrated logistics, automated warehouses.
Mission: design and production of solutions, systems and machines for storage and automated management of the logistics chain from production to distribution.
Keyword: flow, performance, integration, automation, control.
Keymen:佛朗哥Togni,沃尔特·丹纳罗伯塔TogniGianni Togni.
Numbers: 120 people, 5 sites, (14,400 m² production area, 1050 m² sales/service area); orders in 2015: €50 million.
Awards 2015: ADI Golden compass award honorable mention for the AutosatMover; “company to watch of the year” (CERVED rating agency).

1979 Franco Togni developed new transport and conveyor systems for ground-level material handling.
1997 first automated storage and retrieval system, that can store pallets on shelving and recover them automatically.
2002 presentation and marketing of the first remote control Autosat machine.
2007 internationalization, automated warehouses in Eastern Europe, India and China.
2010 Supercap, the first battery-less machine running on a supercapacitor, that can work between -30°C and +55C°.
2015 design and manufacturing of the largest textile “rolls” warehouse in Antwerp (Belgium).