
MIJNO(成立于1919年的法国)构思和制造精密齿轮(最高AGMA 14),地面机架(最高AGMA 12)和行星齿轮箱。我们的应用协助和制造专业知识赢得了机床、军事、航空航天和核工业的信任。我们利用最高性能,最新一代的设备生产和控制您的传动部件。我们的120台机床由70名高技能工人使用,他们不断学习最创新的技术。我们通过了ISO 9001认证,并根据精益生产原则进行生产。作为制造机架,小齿轮和齿轮头的领导者,MIJNO有丰富的经验与您分享。在我们的标准或定制机架和齿轮箱的范围内,我们很可能有产品,将与您的应用程序。如果我们没有,那么我们仍然可以为你设计和制造它!我们的产品可以通过多种组合进行组装;但是,有些选择可以优化应用程序。 Just call us or send us an e-mail and we will suggest the best “packages” of gearhead, rack and pinion to optimize your machine. We only need to know your choice of motor, the acceleration, linear speed and strength you need, as well as your requirement for angular or linear precision - we’ll do the rest ! We can securely fasten the rack pinion on a gearhead shaft upon request and deliver the whole set (gearbox, gear, racks that are guaranteed to work together). The particularly quiet and precise running of gearbox-pinion-rack sets is ensured by: • The use of precision ground teeth in our gearboxes according to DIN class 6 to 5 accuracy. • Rack and pinions with ground teeth including a proprietary modification of the tooth profile called “ROTAXE™”, developed for high speed applications. This improves smoothness and reduces wear (more information on You’ll hear the difference. • « Zero backlash » racks and pinion systems.


  • 齿轮:定制变速箱
  • 齿轮:自定义齿轮
  • 齿轮:齿轮齿条
  • 变速箱齿轮:
  • 齿轮:安装在变速箱轴上
  • 齿轮:变速箱,定制设计
  • 齿轮:齿轮箱,行星齿轮