  • Offer Profile
  • Sill Optics is the specialist for quality and innovation in the field of photonics technologies. With regard to customized development as well as standard solutions we have established ourselves internationally and are one of the leading companies in this business. The company with more than 125 years of experience is located in Wendelstein.

    Lenses for Machine Vision

    40多年来,SILL Optics一直生产遥不可及的镜头。首先以轮廓投影镜头的形式,自1989年以来以当前数码相机的形式出现。

Product Portfolio
  • Lenses for Machine Vision

    • For more than 40 years, Sill Optics has been designing, producing and offering telecentric lenses for machine vision. Based on the success of profile-projection lenses, which are still available, a wider range of telecentric lenses for modern imaging processes has been developed to meet demanding requirements. Furthermore our product range has been extended by lenses with coaxial illumination, entocentric macro optics, wide-angle lenses and telecentric condensers.

      Sill Optics’ philosophy is to develop and produce completely at their own site in Germany. Our flexibility, besides high quality, is also to offer customized solutions, modifications and designs on short notice.


      Our catalog presents only our most common products. In addition we offer customized systems of special telecentric or entocentric lenses up to complex opto-mechanical systems. Our resources comprise both extensive experience in optical design and mechanical engineering. Production with modern technologies from single prototypes up to medium quantities is possible to meet highest demands.

        • Telecentric lenses

          • TTelecentric lenses are designed with an entrance pupil placed in infinity. Compared to entocentric lenses, only parallel principle rays are imaged through the lens. This ensures a constant magnification for the entire depth of field.


              • Fixed and variable aperture stop

              • 来自SILL光学元件的大多数镜头都带有可变的孔径停止。这为调整应用程序景点的亮度,分辨率和深度提供了优势。带有固定孔的镜头用蓝色点表示。由于某些镜头暴露于振动或快速运动时,我们提供可变的孔径停止,以通过固定的孔径停止交换。固定孔径停止的大小可以由带有可变光圈的镜头定义,可以事先租用。
              • 同轴照明

              • The combination of a telecentric front illumination with the imaging lens is possible for most of our lenses. These coaxial illumination versions are available with a fixed LED of various wavelengths (blue, green, red) or with Ø8mm fiber /spot port or Ø6mm fiber port. The part number changes from S5LPJxxxx to S5LPLxxxx.
              • Variable working distance and magnification

              • Sometimes suitable lenses do not meet the desired working distance for the planned setup. In most cases adjustment to your requirements is possible. Please contact our product and project managers. Modification of the working distance usually results in modified magnification. Thus adaption of the magnification is also possible.
              • 可变传感器安装座

              • 大多数窗台镜头都是为波段450nm - 700nm设计的。因此,可以进行单色应用(窄带照明,黑白传感器)和多色应用(宽带或白色照明,颜色传感器)。



                In case of special requirements please contact us for a compatibility check to your specifications.
              • Scheimpflug configuration

              • Due to limited installation space or specific measurement circumstances, an imaging lens might be in a tilted position towards the object. To compensate the resulting blur and deformation in the image, the lens can be mounted to the sensor with a compensating angle. As the compatibility of the lens to the measurement setup depends on various factors (sensor size, viewing angle, magnification, resolution,... ), Sill offers suitable adapters on demand.
              • Glued lenses

              • 对于暴露于严重振动或放置在机器的运动部位内的镜头,建议使用胶合版。
              • Extended wavelength ranges

              • 大多数窗台镜头都是为波段450nm - 700nm设计的。因此,可以进行单色应用(窄带照明,黑白传感器)和多色应用(宽带或白色照明,颜色传感器)。



                In case of special requirements please contact us for a compatibility check to your specifications.
            • Telecentric illumination

              • 在这里,您可以找到适合我们的远伦镜头的远程背景照明。有各种直径和波长可用。尤其是高精度测量需要遥不可及的照明。这避免了物体边缘的反射,并提高了测量的准确性。
                    • Telecentric illumination

                    • Our condensers, depending on their LED-unit, are divided into three series. Whereas the S6IRIxxxx-line with standard LEDs is designed for low illuminance with constant current, the high-power LEDs offer higher output power and are flashable.

                      除了新凝结r series S6LTCxxxx offer an integrated dimmer, better illumination homogeneity and even further improved output power.
                • CCD lenses & Accessories

                      • CCD lenses

                      • In addition to the telecentric lenses our product range also includes entocentric lenses. These are corrected for infinity and mostly equipped with a variable iris.

                        Macro- and wide-angle-lenses are also part of our product range and are completed with lenses for special wavelength ranges such as UV and NIR as well as SWIR.

                      • 配件

                      • 电子产品



                        As further accessories, we offer protective glass attachments for objectives and condensers. They are simply clamped onto the corresponding telecentric objective. Please select the appropriate clamping diameter for this, modifications to smaller diameters are possible at any time.


                        Our lens mounts enable to fix most of our lenses and condensers up to your requirements. For series T compact, T60, T85, T120 and T150 lens mount S5SET0020 is recommended. Modifications to other diameters are possible.


                        Furthermore we offer a wide range of adapters. These serve as modification to a suitable camera thread and required flange focal back distance. Customized adapters are available upon request.