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  • Offer Profile
  • Our vision is to optimize every single aspect of automated physical contact between machine, product and human, forming an essential component of both industrial and social life. Striving to achieve our vision helps us to attain better results in terms of both quality and productivity, as well as to create the optimal conditions for everyone involved in the process.
Product Portfolio
  • Giving robots that essential ingredient: the ability to feel

  • We have long since been driven by the seemingly impossible task of giving robots that essential ingredient: the ability to feel. We set our sights on this goal because it challenged us, because it appealed to our pioneering spirit, and because we were convinced it would help our clients take huge steps forwards. We were right. Facilitate complex processes, fill any economic voids caused by automated processes, improve production quality: And now all is possible with FerRobotics.

      • We equip robots with sensitivity using patented Active Compliant Technology (ACT) - and they are therefore more flexible, reliable and economical than ever. ACT-optimized robots intelligently adapt themselves to suit complex surfaces, meaning they are able to automatically measure the amount of force that needs to be applied. They are even able to offset any sudden counter forces, if objects move for example. ACT is able to increase efficiency when used as either a standard tool, or as a function package optimized for special requirements, precisely where a seamlessly automated production process was not previously achievable. There is also no need for lengthy and expensive test phases on implementation. Rather than having to wait months to be able to quantify the improvements in performance and quality made possible with our ACT-based solutions, results can be noticed immediately.

      • The Active Compliant Technology works along the successful bionic principles of flexibility and adaptability. FerRobotics developed this technology with the most cutting-edge methods, marking a new milestone in flexible robotics.

        The sophisticated combination of actuator & sensor, innovative power concepts and fine-tuned high-speed control is central to the technology. The precise interaction of this technological combination interacts results in the unique features of intuitive physical adjustment and flexibility. The innovative technology is embedded in a robust mechanical structure. This innovative set-up provides a straightforward operator convenience.


      • A system that is able to individually adjust the amount of force exerted on the object and that can respond to any sudden counterforce is superior. As it is intelligent, flexible and sensitive, as well as being robust.

        FerRobotics automation equipment stands out for these exact qualities. Their physical compliance makes robot systems equipped with FerRobotics technology flexible, reliable and positioning tolerant. Flexible automation solutions adopt the exact tasks that adversely affect human health due to their monotony or the harsh environment in which they are performed.


      • FerRobotics products are equipped with a self-regulated positioning feature which forms another unique benefit. This technology enables individual contact up to the point of touch. Robots kitted out with FerRobotics solutions process moving objects precisely using their own initiative.

        Thus enhancing robot usability by eliminating complex adjustments on work pieces or the need to intervene in any program routines. Autonomous positioning tolerance makes robots mastermind varied tasks and cover diverse applications.


      • By equipping robots with tactile sensitivity, FerRobotics makes sure all the voids caused by automation in terms of quality are filled
      • Complex manual operations which are hazardous to health can be now automated.
      • Both quality and precision are improved with automated contact processes
      • Added value is increased as the production process is both cheaper and quicker
      • 我们的技术可以集成到薄熙来th new and existing systems in a fast, flexible and reliable manner
        • ACF主动接触法兰


          The Active Contact Flangefits every robot like a velvet glove. Those robots equipped with ACF are able to reliably measure the force they apply, meaning they can meet the requirements of complex component parts of their own accord. ACF combines all the fortes of Active Compliant Technology to form a universally applicable Add-on. This technology is able to automate both operations sensitive to contact, and applications with various tolerance levels, in a simple, reliable and economical manner, in turn offering our clients a powerful tool to increase competitiveness on the market.

          Surface treatment:Grinding, polishing, cleaning, laminating, stripping, brushing, deburring, pressing...

          All types of material:Steel, aluminum, titanium, magnesium, carbon, plastic, wood, ceramics, coconut fiber, stone...

          Contact-sensitive handling:Pick&place, inserting, adhering, joining, packing, quality control, pressing, component testing, mounting...



          The AOK是一个智能系统方案,结合the Active Compliant Technology with a specially-developed orbital grinder. This integrated complete solution automates the industrial grinding process with individual control of all process parameters: speed of rotation, contact force and feed rate. The AOK offers the highest process quality from a single source. The system design is compact and simple. The enormously durable grinder is designed for industrial use and delivers twice the output of standard devices, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

          Surface treatment:Grinding, polishing, cleaning, deburring

          All materials:steel, aluminum, titanium, magnesium, carbon, plastic, wood, ceramic, coconut fiber, ...



          As anintegrated grinding solution for weld leveling, the AAK also guarantees a significant increase in productivity. The precisely-matched system package combines the Active Compliant Technology with a robot-compatible angle grinder. This integrated complete solution automates the industrial grinding process with individual control of all process parameters: speed of rotation, contact force and feed rate. The AAK offers the highest process quality from a single source. The system design is compact and simple. The enormously durable grinder is designed for industrial use and delivers twice the output of standard devices, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

          Surface treatment:Grinding, polishing, cleaning, deburring

          All materials:steel, aluminum, titanium, magnesium, carbon, plastic, wood, ceramic, coconut fiber ...



          The ASK comprisesa complete package as robot add-on going above and beyond the pure product. This comfortable solution enables to use the ACT potential on a sophisticated individual level. ASK was developed as a special convenient solution to enable the post-production processes for welded seams, weld spatters and powder deposits to be optimized. There are no additional, manual process steps required. It goes without saying that this technology can also be seamlessly integrated into existing structures.

          Ideal for white car body and sheet metal processing:

          • Replaces manual work
          • Makes the process safe
          • Easy integration
          • Compelling ROI


          This innovative complete solution flexibly automates the reliable surface processing of small and medium-sized work pieces. The ABG is an active sensitive belt grinder that provides a custom solution for the automated high-quality finishing of fittings, spectacle frames, implants, door handles and small cast parts for the automotive industry, etc. The floor-standing unit can be easily integrated into a robot cell. Close problematic automation gaps while at the same time improving your product quality – and create processes that are reliable, economical and perfectly reproducible.

          Surface finishing processes:Grinding, deburring, polishing, brushing, etc.

          All materials:Steel, aluminum, titanium, magnesium, carbon, plastic, wood, ceramics, coconut fiber, etc.

          Max. Force (push) [N]:5 N up to standard 250 N (optionally: up to 500 N/800 N)
          Stroke [mm]:48.0
          Dimensions [mm]:1170x770x1760
          Dead Weight [kg]:450
          Power supply:max. 7 bar, 30 µm, ISO 8573-1 Kl.3 (water- and oil-free) / AC 380...500 V, 16 A, 50 - 60 Hz
          Motor rated power [W]:4000
          Air consumption [l/min]:20
          Ambient temperature during operation [°C]:+5...+40
          Communcation Interfaces:Ethernet TCP/IP; Optional: Ethernet IP, DeviceNet, Profibus, ProfiNet, Analog I/O



          • Grinding, sanding and polishing various materials is part of everyday life in numerous different industries and branches. The various applications are extremely diverse. FerRobotics products offer the ideal solution and enormous added value, especially where grinding, sanding and polishing tasks are still performed manually because due to the lack of sensitivity of the robots and machines the processes could not be automated until now. During the grinding process, they provide the necessary sensitivity to achieve the desired perfect surface quality. Better results are also achieved when used together with humans, as the ideal contact pressure is always guaranteed during grinding. This not only produces consistent quality, but also achieves higher productivity through shorter cycle times and lower costs.

            FerRobotics products are used for surface treatment of all typical materials such as metals (steel, stainless steel, aluminium, titanium, alloys, precious metals, etc.), wood, plastics, ceramics / stone / concrete, glass, composites, etc. in numerous industries - such as:

            • aerospace industry
            • automotive industry and automotive supply industry
            • building industry and interior design (decorative elements)
            • electrical and electronic industry
            • food industry (e.g. stainless steel containers)
            • furniture industry
            • luxury goods industry
            • medical technology - e.g. implants
            • metal construction and metalworking in general
            • musical instruments
            • plastics industry
            • sanitary industry
            • sporting goods
            • tool manufacturers

            The ability to maintain a consistent level of contact force is the most important factor of these applications. FerRobotics solutions distinguish themselves by their interactive ability to offset surface tolerance levels up to 100 mm whilst the contact force is guaranteed to remain consistent. They are able to constantly produce top-quality products even when usage conditions are variable.


          • Active Compliant Technology (ACT) is able to “feel'” resistance and intuitively offsets tolerance levels at the moment of physical contact. The system is able to precisely and subtly measure out contact force.The entire process is documented as such extremely reliable and it can be identically reproduced.
          • HANDLING

          • Our handling solutions are able to recognize physical contact and respond accordingly without delay. Items are placed down and picked up quickly and carefully, with small amounts of force. This forms the key USP of our Active Compliant Technology. It is optimized for sensitive component parts, as well as for stacking parts with high tolerance levels.

          • Active Compliant Technology (ACT) is perfectly suited for quality control with identical process simulation. It imitates users’ behavior in a realistic manner and seamlessly documents the entire process.