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  • 提供个人资料
  • VMT® supplies customised, turnkey image processing and laser sensor systems and solutions for all industrial sectors.
    VMT solutions are based on our own, self-developed product lines, which cover the entire applications spectrum. As competence center for vision solutions in the Pepperl+Fuchs group, VMT offers absolute high-level technology combined with highest investment security.
Product Portfolio
  • Inspection

  • 使用VMT®的完整性检查和键入识别是

    系统的核心是一个神经元网络,can be trained to recognize characteristics with the aid of models. This network is trained to recognized model characteristics and symbols, enabling the system to read a liberal number of characteristics.

    通过添加进一步的外观变体,系统可以实现最大的识别能力。因此,在周围条件下的波动和不同的图像背景可以很容易地优化。The system is an equally effective tool for the end user and the OEM customer in terms of optimized production procedures, process controlling and documenting, thus reducing need for additional and follow-up work.

    The unit is operated with a modern user interface that allows intuitive working. No knowledge of programming at all is required to operate the unit.

    Through simple movement of the mouse, the user may call up new models and test tasks, change testing plans, or follow trained recognition. Since operation is being kept so simple, one day of training is usually sufficient to be able to operate the system.

    Integrated into an automatic sequence VMT IS fulfills its task reliably. In case of irregularities, it is possible, with the aid of statistics and service tools, to analyze the source of the problem and remove the cause.
      • Position, type and completeness check, color verification and processing control
      • Type differentiation through combination of several recognized characteristics
      • 类型识别,随后的类型特定检查
      • 适用于困难的应用条件,例如改变背景和对象属性
      • 可为无限范围的特征或符号训练
      • Automatic image memorizing, therefore short operation startup and time optimizing, as well as error documenting
      • Accurate verification of the position of characteristics in relation to the current object position
      • Suitable also for quickly moving objects and high tact rate
      • Highest recognition certainty possible through use of preset knowledge of character positions or expected characters, e.g., through use of negative examples and blanking out of irrelevant or disturbing areas
      • 由于旋转/倾斜头摄像机,即使在长期测试对象和最多的地方,细节也可以识别。
  • 代码标识

  • 光学特征识别VMT®OCR


    系统的核心是一个神经元网络,can be trained to recognize characteristics with the aid of models. This network is trained to recognized model characteristics and symbols, enabling the system to read a liberal number of characteristics.


    The system is an equally effective tool for the end user and the OEM customer in terms of optimized production procedures, process controlling and documenting, thus reducing need for additional and follow-up work.

    The unit is operated with a modern user interface that allows intuitive working. No knowledge of programming at all is required to operate the unit.
    Through simple movement of the mouse, the user may call up new models and test tasks, change testing plans, or follow trained recognition.
    Since operation is being kept so simple, two days of training are usually sufficient to be able to operate the system.

    Integrated into an automatic sequence VMT OCR fulfills its task reliably. In case of irregularities, it is possible, with the aid of statistics and service tools, to analyze the source of the problem and remove the cause.
      • 适用于困难的应用条件,例如改变背景等。
      • Trainable for a high variety of fonts, characteristics and symbols
      • Suitable also for fast moving objects and high tact rates
      • Automatic image memorizing, allowing short operation startup and time optimizing, as well as error documenting
      • 通过预设位置定义对象和脚本草案的定义对相关领域的准确识别
      • 通过使用预设角色位置或预期字符的预设知识,例如使用负面示例并掩盖无关的区域,可以使用预先确定性的最高确定性。
      • 该系统适用于制药和医疗行业的应用。根据FDA标准,符合21 CFR第11部分
  • 位置识别2d

  • VMT®2D的2D和2.5D位置识别

    Position and rotation recognition of objects for vision guided robots.
    系统的核心是一个神经元网络,can be trained to recognize characteristics with the aid of models and trial characteristics. The system’s sensors are therefore able to identify liberal characteristics or contour elements.


    Through combining approved special sensory procedures on the subpixel level, it is possible to achieve the highest accuracy subsequent to the reliable recognition of characteristics.

    The unit is operated with a modern user interface that allows intuitive working. No knowledge of programming at all is required to operate the unit.

    Since operation is being kept so simple, two days of training are usually sufficient to be able to operate the system.

    Integrated into an automatic sequence VMT 2D fulfills its task reliably. In case of irregularities, it is possible, with the aid of statistics and service tools, to analyze the source of the problem and remove the cause.
      • Position dependend control of machining units
      • Recognition of objects in liberal rotation (360°) and position. Position identification up to 0.1 mm also with large workpieces with multiple cameras from different perspectives
      • Multi-level sensory procedures offer the highest recognition capability, precision and reliability possible
      • 识别特征是可训练的,可用于最广泛的对象特征,对象变体和不同的背景
      • Automatic image memorizing, therefore short operation startup and time optimizing, as well as error documenting
      • 为了识别和检查的目的,工件的特征数量可以自由扩展和组合
      • 借助固定摄像头或机器人手工摄像头实现应用程序
      • Standardized protocolls for all current robot controllers
      • 机器人辅助相机校准和工件参考的全自动过程
      • Validation of workpiece geometry (recognition of inadmissible deviations from characteristics)
      • Measuring up to 6 degrees of freedom through combination of several measuring level
  • 位置识别3D

  • 3D Robot Vision with VMT® 3D



    通过添加进一步的外观变体,系统可以实现最大的识别能力。Fluctuations in the environmental conditions and varying image backgrounds may therefore be gained control of by an easy optimization.

    The unit is operated with a modern user interface that allows intuitive working. No knowledge of programming at all is required to operate the unit.
    Since operation is being kept so simple, two days of training are usually sufficient to be able to operate the system.

    Integrated into an automatic sequence VMT IS fulfills its task reliably. In case of irregularities, it is possible, with the aid of statistics and service tools, to analyze the source of the problem and remove the cause.
      • Suitable for bare and cataphoretic varnished car bodies, as well as primed and finish-lacquered bodies
      • Inspection, supervision, type identification and spray checking with one and the same system
      • Simultaneous measuring of several objects with individually calculated object positions for higher processing accuracy
      • 可以快速训练以识别最大的特征,因此非常适合对象修改
      • Generates correction data in relation to reference position
      • Suitable also for difficult application conditions, such as changing background, etc.
      • 即使摄像机失败或遮盖了特征,可靠的测量
      • Plausibility check for verification of measuring results and elimination of collisions
      • 测量安装在物体上的组件的相对位置
      • Automatic image storage, thus requiring little time for operation startup and optimization
      • 内部和内部和接口的所有系统活动的无间隙记录
      • Cyclic measuring of tool geometry on the robot possible (Rob Check)
      • Communication with multiple robots concurrently (standard protocols, all manufacturers)
      • Protected procedures for simple camera calibration and readjustment, without further auxiliaries
      • 可选的线下公关教学站eparation of new and optimizing existing models
  • 机器人指导

  • Robot Path Correction with VMT® BK

    By means of the VMT BK system for path correction, the robot can accurately follow the actual workpiece contour.


    为了使机器人能够测量工件轮廓,有一个合适的VMT Linerunner Lasersensorinstalled on its hand. The robot “sees” the workpiece edge with the help of this sensor and can thus determine its relative position on any path support point.
    • 接缝密封
    • Edge processing
    • Soldering and welding
    • Processing workpieces
    • 在一个站点进行测量和处理。
    • Separate stations for measurement and processing.
      Advantage: No soiling of the measuring equipment, application tool does not need changing.
    • 测量运行:
    • Path correction:
      Every single support point on the path is corrected on the basis of the measured values.
    • Application run:
    Offline-Path Correction

    Many processing tasks require a robot path that is individually adjusted to the piece. Not only the position of the workpiece, but each individual processing point on the workpiece must be measured and the robot path correspondingly corrected. The VMT BK system measures the geometry and the position of the seam/joint/edge with an accuracy of 0.1 mm or better and corrects every individual support point of the robot path. The robot can thus carry out its processing tasks with the highest accuracy.
      • Can also be used for processes that are sensitive to soiling because of the delay between measurement and processing
      • Fine adjustment of the processing path of the robot is possible without influencing the measuring path
      • Measurement of edges with a laser triangulation sensor: robust with respect to variable illumination, surface properties and the background
      • Generation of correction values at each support point on the path within the cell or vehicle coordinate system
      • Autonomous learning of the correct path points and automatic sensor calibration
      • Generation of relative correction values with respect to a reference object
      • 广泛的验证检查以获取可靠的测量结果
      • 路径上每个点的公差的单独规范是可能的
      • Continuous logging of all system activities internally and at the interfaces to the machine controller and to the robot
      • Simple logging for communication with all common industrial robots
      • Quality control of the local edge geometry can be carried out at the same time
      • Controlling of several robots with one system computer
      • Referencing of the object’s edge to an arbitrary point: outer corner, inner corner, centre of sheet, etc.
      • Reliable calculation of the edge, even if damaged or soiled
      • Self-calibrating after sensor replacement without any additional aids
      • Optional: compatible with the VMT 3D position detection unit on the same system computer
  • Bead Control

  • Inspection of adhesive applications with VMT® ACS


    Owing to the integrated position recognition and position tracking, the system ensures accurate position control of adhesive beads. This is possible even with the cameras overlapping and different camera resolutions.

    The unit is operated with a modern user interface that allows intuitive working. No knowledge of programming at all is required to operate the unit.

    Since operation is being kept so simple, two days of training are usually sufficient to be able to operate the system.

    Setting up of the test areas is interactive with few movements of the mouse.

    集成到自动序列VMT ACS中可靠地完成其任务。如果发生违规行为,则有可能在统计和服务工具的​​帮助下分析问题的根源并消除原因。
      • Detection of interruptions, enlargements, contractions and positional faults
      • Suitable for all irregularities and local defects on surfaces where adhesive beads are applied
      • 申请后立即无接触和无损害测试允许100%控制所有工件
      • Recognition of position for correction of tested areas when the workpiece is unsteady
      • Caliberable metric identification of all measuring parameters, independent of camera resolution or focus direction
      • Automatic image saving, thus requiring little time for operation startup, time optimization and error documenting
      • Saving of all individual results and test data for subsequent statistical evaluation
      • High testing speed
      • Application possible with stationary and hand camera robots, as well as combination of both
      • Multiple image presentation from multiple cameras
      • Display of the defective spot
  • Best Fit

  • Robot position control VMT® RP

    VMT RP使得可以将配备传感器的机器人抓地力定位在定义位置相对于物体,例如机箱。


    VMT RP evaluates the sensor signals recorded on the current object and corrects the robot position till the sensor measurement values once again conform to the values of the learning position on the reference object. The robot gripper then once again has the exactly identical relative position to the current object that it had at the time of setting up to the reference object.

    • Absolute positioning (form and pierce),
    • Relative positioning (gap/transition)
    • Assembly tasks
    • 通过在线调节机器人加入零件的零件清除
    • Precise positioning
    This system can be applied, e.g. for guiding stamping tongs for STFP plants.
    • Method

      The relative position between the workpiece and a robot gripper is continuously determined using a suitable sensor system.

      The sensor data are converted into a position correction value using a mathematical compensation procedure.

    • 主动定位


      The constant relative reference point is crucial for successful processing.

      The choice of detection points on the workpiece and the robust conversion of this information into a position correction of the tool are crucial for accurate positioning.
    • VMT BestFit Benefits
      • 通过连续测量传感器快速定位
      • 恒定的制造质量,即使对于组件衰老和温度波动
      • Best possible manufacturing quality for shape tolerances
      • Lower cycle times
      • 最简单的实现
      • Lower setting up, operation, and maintenance times
      • 完整的流程控制和文档
  • Gap Gauging

  • Gap measuring using the VMT dual head laser sensor


    Traditionally, such gaps and flush fit dimensions are measured in special “gap measuring tunnels”. These tunnels are equipped with a large number of sensors, because each measuring point requires its own sensor unit.

    因为这个原因increas传感器单元的数量es very quickly, especially when several, diverse car models are produced in a single production line. As a result, operation and maintenance become very complex, and the acquisition of such a solution requires a very large investment. And when such a solution has been selected, a change in models means a considerable input in regard to adjustments or extensions.

    By using the VMT dual head laser sensor a very high degree of flexibility is achieved, which permits a smooth and easy gap and flush fit inspection without any major effort, even on the most diverse car models. A simultaneous inspection of the gap width as well as the flush fit between the mounted parts can be performed on the body-in-white as well as on completed, painted cars in the final assembly stage.


    In addition to the savings owing to reduced measuring technology, the resulting reduced space requirement - depending on the version - contributes to the efficient deployment of this VMT solution.

    The gap measuring cell can be realised in fixed cycle mode as well as in continuous mode.
  • Palletizing / Depalletizing

  • 用VMT®D/P进行拆卸和托盘

    “ bin挑选”是该行业最高兴趣的系统之一,以使生产过程自动化,提高能力并降低成本。


    Partial solutions exist using classical sensor technology (inductive or ultrasonic sensors) or with the initial stages of image processing.

    However a lot of systems have failed in the face of the complex requirements and problematic site conditions. Thus the challenge for VMT consisted of finding a concept that unites the advantages of the individual sensor technologies specifically for each application.
    • VMT IS系统可以将非常不同的传感器或传感器系统组合在一起,并通过可靠的评估程序提取必要的信息,从而可以提供可靠的系统,从而确保最高的可用性。

      The system is based on 3D evaluation by means of camera technology and/or a height image for the controlling the robot grippers generated by measuring the runtime of the light. However a minimum organization of parts to be recognized and detailed, individual case studies remain absolutely necessary, if the high requirements for the installations availability and profitability are to be ensured.

    • The substantial challenges of these tasks are:
      • 项目复杂性和可变性
      • The very different surfaces of the objects to be processed
      • 识别容器,中间层(如果适用)以及异物和破坏性轮廓
      • 排除外部光线干扰
    • This kind of sensor technology provides not only significant freedom from external light interference for the testing process but also the requisite speed, and fulfills the requirements for accuracy. Additional information is also available for determining, for example, the stack height and recognizing foreign objects; this is often not available when using traditional image processing.

  • VMT Special Solutions

  • Special jobs require special solutions.

    Irrespective of whether the inspection of fibres in the µm-range or the measuring of rotor blades for wind power plants is required ...

    One of VMT's strong points is the ability to offer a great bandwidth of special solution vision systems by combining already existing VMT standard systems and components.


    If necessary, VMT also offers the mechanical devices that may be required for the vision systems, for example process and turning devices, in cooperation with our long-standing partners from the mechanical engineering industry.

    Especially for such tasks, VMT enables its customers to test the potential solution in advance by means of feasibility studies and/or preliminary inspections on the basis of corresponding test set-ups in the VMT Technical Center.