• 提供个人资料
  • ZZ-ANTRIEBE GMBH专门从事制造高质量的机械齿轮用于机械工程,并集中于:

    • 均匀运动的传输,重点是HPG中的高质量斜角齿轮套件
    • 执行标准和特殊的斜角齿轮箱,伺服技术的低压箱,抬起纺锤体齿轮盒
    • nonuniform-motion trans-missions with the focus on standard and special indexing units in demanding fields of application with full-hardened and ground cams high-precision cams
Product Portfolio
  • 斜齿轮单元,螺丝千斤顶,索引器,斜面齿轮,凸轮

      • 斜角变速箱ZZ-Universal-line

      • 每个ZZ斜面齿轮单元都装有苍蝇螺旋斜角齿轮组件。

        • 设计尺寸:8(K080/K110/K140/K170/K210/K260/K330/K440)
        • Assemblies:more then 100
        • 力量:最多500kW
        • 扭矩:upto 7000Nm
        • Transmission ratio:1:1至5:1根据要求提高速度
        • 版本:ZZ-Universal-Line®: with Palloid Gears lapped in pairs
        • Efficiency:0,95-0,98
        • 技术数据选项/附件:
          - base plates / corner feet
          - 终身润滑
          - 电动法兰 /居中法兰
          - special transmission ratios
      • Servogearbox ZZ-Servoline

      • ZZ-Servoline KN has been designed as a bevel gear unit especially for high-dynamic servo drives in automation techniques. With the hypoid gearing, gear ratio’s of up to i = 15:1 can be covered in one stage. The design of the gear takes into account a weighting according to requirements, between pitting, fatigue fracture, the loading capacity on the root of the gear tooth and gear scuffing. The gearbox is suitable for operating in any optional mounting position. The output shaft can be in the form of a single or double-ended solid shaft, or as an extended hollow shaft with external taper lock assembly. The various combinations of shafts and flanges, provide facilities for all commonly used servo motors. The gearboxes are designed and sold as incomplete machinery according to the Directive 2006/42/EC of the European Parliament.

        • 6个尺寸的齿轮单元
        • 最多1400 nm
        • 高达8000 rpm
        • Hypoid bevel gear sets
        • Minimum backlash
        • High power density
        • 高齿轮刚度
        • Gear ratio's 3:1 to 15:1
        • Amply dimensioned bearings
        • 各种法兰组合
        • 无维护的终身润滑
      • Indexing Gearboxes

      • 运动,骑自行车和定位的理想组成部分

        All ZZ cam gearboxes are fitted with through hardened and ground cams. This is the basis for high precision, positive action and long service life. A cam set converts a uniform input turning motion into stepped or oscillating output movement, which can be optimized for every application. The housings made of cast – iron or aluminium are fully machined. The indexing units are designed and sold as incomplete machinery according to the Directive 2006/42/EC of the European Parliament.
        • 球形齿轮箱:25种类型
        • Axial gear boxes:10Types
        • Transmission:Freely definable (Pendulum, 2-20 stops)
        • CAM:通过硬化和地面
        • 扭矩:最多10.000nm
        • Options/Accessories:
          - 单个传输单元(由ZZ制造) - 齿轮制动电动机
          - 终身润滑
          - 电机法兰
          - special movement profiles
          - special cams
          - 与ZZ-BEVEL齿轮或蠕虫齿轮箱结合使用
        • Customízed Version:upon request
      • Indexing Tables

      • 运动,骑自行车和定位的理想组成部分

        • 版本:- type RTX version with globoid cam for accurate applications which are complex in their motion sequence, distance between axis: up to 450 mm
          - type XZ version with cylinder cam with large central output hollow shaft, distance between axis: up to 615 mm
        • Transmissions:可以自由定义(摆,2-32个停止)
        • CAM:通过硬化和地面
        • 扭矩:upto 32.000Nm
        • Axial Load;upto 250kN
        • Options/Accessories:- 蠕虫齿轮单元分别
          – lifetime lubrication
          - 机械或电感端开关
          – overload clutch
          – special cams / special motion sequences
          - 凸轮精度高
        • 定制的变速箱:upon request
      • 螺旋斜角齿轮

      • High-quality spiral bevel gears – core pieces of the ZZ product range

        齿轮组件是ZZ-ANTRIEBE GMBH生产的关键项目。它们构成了我们公司成功的基础。我们的高质量Bevel齿轮车轮是根据Klingelnberg设计生产的,并以质量享有很高的声誉。它们用于ZZ斜坡,叠加和高速提升齿轮单元。此外,我们的齿轮车轮可以最佳地应用于许多以客户为导向的应用中(例如,机床,纺织机,印刷机,商用车,工厂建设等)。

        苍蝇 Zyclo-palloid HPG-S
        Normal Module mn 1-7 0,7-13 1,1-13
        压角 20°;(17,5°,22,5°) 17,5°; 20° 20°
        Number of teeth 4-120 5-120 5-120
        直径 400mm 800mm 900mm
        轴角 45-135° 10-135° 10-135°
        牙齿的宽度 75mm 100mm 100mm
        Quality DIN 3965 7-9 7-9 (4)5-6
        Material 盒硬化,硝化钢和合成剂
        热处理: Case-harden, nitride, quench and draw
        Options 花键
        • 花键
        • Polygons
        • Spurgears
        • Shot peening
        • 涂层(Z.B. Balinit)
        • (应要求中的值中的值)
      • 球形,圆柱和径向凸轮

      • 使用最新的制造技术ZZ-ANTRIEBE GMBH在所有普通设计中生产平面和三二维凸轮。考虑到各自的应用,材料和硬化过程,将CAM轮廓进行了研磨,磨碎或地面。今天,我们多年的经验通过使用综合设计计划的扩展和补充。传统和创新的结合使最佳设计和制造质量成为可能。


        凸轮类型 最大直径 最大长度
        Globoidal Cam Ø 620mm 500mm
        圆柱形凸轮 Ø 620mm 500mm
        径向凸轮 Ø 1000mm 500mm

      • Screw Jack Units

      • 良好的齿轮范围是提升工厂和系统解决方案的基础


        • 版本:类型HG:标准(Axialbewegung der Spindel)
        • Typ HGV:标准的麻省理工学院VerdrehsicherungTyp HL:Laufmutterausführung
        • Design Sizes:10
        • 主轴:TR 18×4 bis TR 180×18长度最高4m
        • Load:upto 10000N
        • Options/Accessories:– plate screw end / clevis pin /
          - 基板
          - 波纹管 /导管
          – locking element
          – stainless steel spindle
          - 滚珠主轴
        • 定制版本:upon request