拉普·卡贝尔(Lapp Kabel)
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  • 提供个人资料
  • 请进来环顾四周。不管您需要哪些电缆,线路,插头和附件,都可以在此处找到所需的内容。我们有40,000多种不同的标准文章。我们还在24或48小时内交付。特殊任务需要特殊解决方案。在这种情况下,

    风能和其他绿色能源来源更有效 - 与此同时,拉普是光伏,风能,风能,风能,风能,风力,风能的领先合作伙伴之一
    biomass and fuel-cell technology.
  • 产品

      • 电源和控制电缆

      • Ölflex®用于机械,机床,系统和设备工程,测量,控制,供暖和空调技术。对于永久连接或电缆链,卤素费或国际认证,您可以从我们全面的标准产品范围中进行选择。
      • 数据通信系统

      • lapp produces a full range of data cables for fast and secure transfers of large volumes of data. From machine electronics and bus systems to super-fast LAN data networks or highly-versatile applications: We have the data cables you need for virtually any situation.
      • 以太网技术的数据通信系统

      • LAPP集团现在可以在工业网络领域提供全面的系统解决方案。其工厂自动化部提供了用于补充现有电缆和插头技术的主动网络组件。其中包括包括开关,路由器,电缆和插头连接器等配电组件之外,还包含了防火墙解决方案的服务和安全系统。对于其工业客户来说,所有这些都意味着,LAPP集团的解决方案在安全性,安全性和可用性方面迈出了相当大的一步。

      • Hitronic®光纤电缆旨在传输大量数据。通过光纤通信媒体快速,高效且安全。甚至电磁干扰也不会影响Hitronic®光纤电缆。HITRONIC®系列产品包括用于办公通信,工业应用,单纯形,双工,混合接线或电缆链链应用的电缆。
      • EPIC®工业连接器

      • When we talk about secure connections, you can take us at our word. EPIC® industrial connectors produce an absolutely secure connection in combination with ÖLFLEX® cables. We provide the right contact for all your needs: From rectangular or circular connectors, to housings, inserts, contacts and accessories, bus or fibre optic cable applications.

      • SKINTOP® cable glands guarantee secure connections every time. Simply thread the cable and twist. That's all! Your cables are perfectly centered, secured, hermetically sealed, and ready for action. Choose from a wide range of models in plastic or brass, for EX and EMC applications, halogen-free types or anti-kink protection, metric, PG or NPT.
      • 防护电缆导管系统和电缆载体系统

      • In many applications cables have to be additionally protected against mechanical and chemical stress. For this type of application, Lapp Group can supply the universal SILVYN® protective cable conduit program. Cable conduits manufactured from metal or plastic material, which can be used with matching glands to form a perfect system connection. The complete system results in all round protection for cables in indoor and outdoor installations. With SILVYN® CHAIN, Lapp Group's widely variable programme of power chains we offer both cable protection and guidance for highly dynamic applications.

      • labels on single cores, cables, and control cabinets need to remain legible for years to come. This is the best way to keep things well organized and avoid potential problems. From plastic to durable stainless steel, manual or electronic identification, with FLEXIMARK® you can be sure that your labels will last a lifetime.
      • 工具和电缆配件

      • Installation, processing, maintenance, cutting, stripping, skinning, connector and crimping engineering, insulating, protecting, shrinking, binding, bundeling, fixing, cable guiding.
    • Brands

    • 品牌哲学
      在技​​术领域,品牌政策仍然很少见。但是,拉普从一开始就鼓励他们。当奥斯卡·拉普(Oskar Lapp)在1959年发明了第一个带有颜色编码的电线的电缆时,他命名了这种创新的产品Ölflex®,因此也创建了一个引人入胜的品牌名称,该品牌在其成功期间伴随着该产品。从那时起,Lapp为我们的每个产品线制定了一致的品牌政策。

        • SKINTOP® – the handy cable glands

        • 肌电螺旋电缆腺确保在几秒钟内确保安全连接。通用系统简单,完美且易于安装:只需插入电缆,关闭并进行即可。电缆是牢固固定,中心和密封的。
        • SILVYN®-强大的电缆保护和供应系统

        • 该通用范围完全可以防止电缆免受灰尘,水分和技术,热或化学暴露。能源供应链的多功能silvyn®链范围还可以在动态应用中保护和引导电缆。
        • EPIC®-强大的行业连接器

        • 你会发现史诗®矩形或圆形connectors in any machine and plant engineering or drive technology application used for measuring, control, regulation or drive. It is a flexible system consisting of casings, inserts, contacts and accessories which is perfectly suited to any requirement.
        • FLEXIMARK® – the clear marking systems

        • These sophisticated systems facilitate durable cable marking and ensure everything is clear and quick to identify. From simple inscriptions, to labelling and marking solutions for manual marking right through to FL SOFT software for electronic recognition, this range can meet your every need.
        • Ölflex®-多功能连接和控制电缆

        • In 1959, ÖLFLEX® was the very first control cable to be designed with colour-coded wires and was at the same time the first branded cable in the world. Today, ÖLFLEX® connecting and control cables are some of the most widely used in the world, and for good reason.
        • Etherline® - 主动网络组件

        • 以太网基于技术的网络正在发挥越来越重要的作用。因此,我们为网络技术提供可靠的系统解决方案。该范围包括产品,软件解决方案和服务,以实现总安全性和可用性。
        • Unitronic® - 创新数据电缆

        • 如果您想要快速,安全和前瞻性的解决方案,这是选择的品牌。该范围包括用于所有电子应用程序的数据电缆,从咖啡机的小电缆到那些传输超级计算机中大量数据的电缆。
        • HITRONIC® - 超快光纤电缆

        • 当在办公室间通信和行业中传输大量数据时,我们的光传输媒体非常快速且安全。它们确保超快速数据传输完全没有干扰,并受到保护。甚至电磁干扰也不会影响杀手型电缆。
      • 光伏

      • 太阳能的使用已经增加了很多年,这种趋势仍在继续。从主要能源电厂到小型的家庭应用,光伏有广泛的用途。
        After taking into account the full range of operational requirements, Lapp offers a specifically tailored range to suit photovoltaic systems, providing complete cabling from rooftop to cellar.

        电缆,插头和光伏配件 - 我们是选择的系统!
          • 太阳能单元的品牌产品

          • The following products are used in the solar energy sector:
              • Ölflex®
                太阳XLR/XLR TF

              • Ölflex®
                SOLAR XLS

              • Ölflex®

              • Ölflex®
                SOLAR V4A

              • Ölflex®
                SOLAR XL multi

              • NYY-J, NYY-O

              • EPIC®太阳能4

              • EPIC®太阳能模块盒

              • EPIC®太阳能4薄预组装

              • EPIC®太阳能M组装

              • EPIC®太阳能M12

              • EPIC®SolarM G5内置插头

              • EPIC®太阳能FMM Y-Splitter

              • EPIC®太阳压接工具

              • KS 20电缆剪切

              • 环球剥离和切割工具

              • skintop®Click /Scintop®Click-R

              • Swintop®ST-M /

              • SILVYN®RILL PA 6 / SILVYN® FPAS

              • Twist Tail™电缆领带

            • 风能

            • l应用带来风力涡轮机的新鲜空气

              风能plays an important role in the Lapp Group. To reflect the importance of this industry, the SBU Wind (Strategic Business Unit Wind) has been set up, and specialises in products and services for the industry.

              Our customers can rely on 50 years of experience, marked by the very highest levels of quality and innovation. A range of over 40,000 items worldwide is available to our customers and shows Lapp’s all-round expertise, not just in the wind energy sector. No matter which cables our customers choose for their wind turbines, they can count on the very highest standards in terms of function, reliability and service life every time.

                • 电子动力

                • 充电系统,内部连接电缆和高压连接

                  The Lapp Group is a pioneer of e-mobility: It is one of the first companies to develop a compatible, production-ready complete charging system with cables and connector that complies with the new VDE standard. The charging system was developed by the Lapp Group in conjunction with Bals Elektrotechnik GmbH from Germany‘s North-Rhine Westphalia.

                  拉普兰人产品不仅提供充电服务ns but are also capable of meeting the latest requirements set by the hybrid and electric vehicles. Patented highvoltage cabling from Lapp is used to supply the electric motors with energy. Leading automotive manufacturers and suppliers also already use the cables and connectors from Lapp for the internal connections in lithium-ion batteries.
                    • 充电系统 - 联合开发
                      来自Lapp Kabel和Bals Elektrotechnik

                    • •符合VDE标准
                      • Cable is flame retardant as per
                      IEC 60332.1-2
                      • Oil resistant
                      •温度范围-40至 +90°C
                    • Patented

                    • •最大800V/400A
                    • 内部连接电缆

                    • •电缆安全带存储
                      • Current sensor cable harness,
                      CSE connection cable harness,
                      • Extrusion with silicone
                  • 您的系统供应商

                  • 作为风能行业公认的供应商,我们为您提供各个领域的出色产品和服务。
                      • Windpark communication

                      • Lapp Group为您提供广泛的产品和服务,以建立风公园以促进平稳的工作流程:
                        HITRONIC® HQN outdoor cables for laying in the ground
                        • Single mode 9/125 μm
                        • Multi mode 50/125 & 62,5/125 μm
                        • Duplex jumpers/patch cables multimode 50 & 62.5 μm SC or ST connector combinations
                      • 预组装光纤电缆和电缆预组装

                      • As your supply chain partner, Lapp Systems offers you everything from a single source – from advice to project management, engineering or documentation through to production, testing, logistics and service
                        With 211 employees at its sites in Stuttgart, Much near Cologne and Holesov in the Czech Republic, Lapp Systems GmbH is your partner also in a position to master major challenges.
                      • 在Lapp的现场中心

                      • Do you know this problem?
                        “始终相同 - 我们开始安装风场,但我们错过了重要的物品,例如电缆,开关和连接器。”

                        The solution from the Lapp Group:


                        Everything in place – Everything in the container – Everything from the Lapp Group

                        It doesn’t matter what do you need in the construction place, sent us the information in advance and we organize the container, put the products inside and deliver it to your installation address. If you like to have we label the container according your specifications.
                      • 紧密的连接是防止振动的最佳保护!

                      • The subject of reliability and servicing strategies for wind turbines with a view to raising availability has become increasingly important over recent years.

                        Data are collected and evaluated by external institutions in order to get to the bottom of failures without identifiable causes. Potential factors may be lightning strikes, shocks or vibration, for example.

                        Vibrations occur during the operation of a wind turbine which should not be underestimated and, depending on age and wear of the turbine, can grow in intensity and progressively stress the individual components of the turbine.

                        The cable connection is a factor which is often neglected. Vibrations subject a cable, even with a small cross-section, to considerable stress.
                      • 在每个温度下的快速数据传输

                      • The connection from the slip ring to the pitch system starts with the transmission, goes through the hollow shaft, through the transmission rotor shaft and ends in the hub in the central control unit of the pitch system.

                        - 传输:热区。温度高达105°C
                        - Rotor shaft: Medium zone. Nacelle ambient
                        - 集线器:冷区。温度降至-40°C
                      • Cable preassembly for wind turbines
                        nacelle and tower cable harnesses

                      • 向我们发送您的规格:我们将与您选择的产品一起生成零件清单,预先组装它们并仅以您的意愿为您提供。速度,可靠性,成本率和高质量 - 这些是Lapp的主要驱动力。