
当海因里希Schäffer于1956年在Erwitte/Westfalen的商业贸易登记册上注册了他的“Schäffer Maschinenfabrik”时,他不可能预见到他所开启的辉煌成功故事。从一开始,客户就站在公司战略的中间点上。这不是一个以数量为基础的大规模生产,而是针对个别客户的特殊要求进行调整的生产。很快就取得了成功。最初的两个生产运行是前装载机和筒仓切块机,他们卖得很好。为了满足不断增长的需求,我们于一九六六年及一九七三年兴建了新的生产设施。作为最早的公司之一,Schäffer在1970年将他们的工业前装载机引入市场,甚至在那时Schäffer已经有了聪明的思考出手臂几何和平行导轨。1979年是该公司的里程碑,因为第一个堆场装载机离开了生产线。仅仅两年之后,占地6600平方米的全新规划和管理大楼和进一步的新生产车间建成。海因里希Schäffer同年去世。 Since 1981 the company is directed by Jürgen Jachalke and Siegfried Schäffer. The year 1987 saw the first successful steps with the production of wheel loaders designed to win customers from outside the agricultural business. After the unification of Germany, new subsidiary branches in the old east were opened in Parchim and Ostrau. In 1996 the first telescopic loader opened further important areas for marketing. The newly built spare parts stores and an apprentice and training centre in 2003 made sure that also the service department would also be able to meet the increase in demands. Since 1980 Schäffer has sold an increasing number every year of loaders than the in the previous year. The prognosis for further growth is excellent. Schäffer loaders are not only to be found in Europe but also in every corner of the globe. It is the satisfied customers who have ensured that Schäffer is today one of the most important and successful compact loader manufacturers in the world.