目标是治愈。下一个里程碑是希望。或者至少是生活质量。开怀大笑本身就是良药。但当大笑不再那么容易时,最好还是求助于科学。在医学领域追求一个愿景需要准备一步一步前进。诊断、分析和治疗的进步总是需要技术的飞跃来改变边界条件。肖特公司的抗体微阵列有助于科学对抗癌症。一种特殊的涂层为能够识别生物标记物的突破性荧光显微镜铺平了道路。光学滤光透镜也被用作薄膜涂层的衬底,用于干涉滤光片的生产。 We have 70 variants available. All of them are reliable helpers in blood testing units, gas chromatographers and waste water and combustion analysers. Along with other thin glasses, the B270® i crown glass with high transmission rate and chemical resistance is available as a glass wafer or substrate. All of them are used to make biochips. Even the longest journey can be made in many small steps.