• 提供个人资料
  • 3D Microprint GmbH专门通过微激光烧结和相关机器的销售来生产微金属零件。

    Our company was founded in 2013 in Chemnitz (Germany) as a result of a cooperation between EOS GmbH and 3D-Micromac AG. Experts from both companies have been working with an exceptional pioneering spirit on the development of the Micro Laser Sintering process since 2006.

Product Portfolio
  • Technology

  • 微激光烧结首次结合了添加剂制造和微加工的优势。以这种方式制造了令人难以置信的精度,细节分辨率和表面质量的微型金属零件。这些优势会导致能够单步制造可移动的零件和组件。


    What is Micro Laser Sintering?

    Micro Laser Sintering – functional principle

    微激光烧结首次结合了添加剂制造和微加工的优势。Micro Metal parts of incredible accuracy, detail resolution and surface quality are manufactured this way. These advantages result in the ability to manufacture moveable parts and assemblies in a single step. The basis of these outstanding results is the combination of a very small laser beam spot size, special micro powder and super thin layers.


      • Case Studies

      • 增材制造技术提供了创新产品的独特可能性。通过比较常规和添加剂制造技术,功能驱动的产品的重新设计通常是有益的。特别是,微激光烧结提供了所需的微部件的高度准确性和细节分辨率。3D Microprint GmbH的案例研究说明了针对各种应用的创新解决方案,这些解决方案证明了微激光烧结技术的非凡潜力。
          • 案例研究流测量探针

          • 小型探针,大效果 - 微激光烧结使量身定制的流量测量技术成为可能

            Accuracy is mandatory in the field of fluid dynamic measurement technology. Flow probes help to determine fluid flows simply and accurately. By means of Micro Laser Sintering, the components are developed flexibly for the respective application and manufactured on demand. Size and shape are adapted according to the different application areas.
          • 案例研究lattice structures

          • 复杂的3D晶格结构 - 微激光烧结能够通过最小材料使用最大功能

            Lattice structures are used to save weight without sacrificing stability of parts. Furthermore these structures can also realize functions like shielding, guiding or separating fluids in medical devices, reactors, heat exchangers, fuel cells and other microfluidic applications.
          • Case study grabber

          • 通过节省组装来降低成本 - 通过微激光烧结建立的功能模块

          • 案例研究观看

          • 微型激光烧结最高质量标准 - 手腕的未来

            The watch manufacturing has in Europe a century old tradition and is the epitome of elegance, quality and precision. The production of precise serial components is carried out under the highest quality standards. Existing technologies for micro-machining already encounter the limits of feasibility. An additional individualization is only possible under enormous costs.
          • 案例研究Frauenkirche

          • 微型化,并具有最高的复杂性 - 规模的建筑模型


            Example: Miniature model of the Frauenkirche located in Dresden (Germany); scale 1:6100; height 16.6 mm; material 1.4404 (316L)
        • 服务

        • You have the application, we do have the experience with Micro Laser Sintering. With our engineering services we make your parts 3D printable.

          With years of experience we help you to select the right parts, optimize their design and make sure, you will receive your first 3D printed micro metal part. Understanding the purposes of your application by a functional analysis is the basis for a successful start. Thus we find the best conceptual design. Afterwards we will prove feasibility by manufacturing your designs. To finally have the part in your own hand is very convincing.



          3D打印可以实现新的解决方案。底切割,定制甚至个性化的零件,轻巧的设计,一个件组件,一件很快就可以使用,而无需额外的工具 - 3D Microprint GmbH为微部件的世界打开了这些惊人的优势。

              • Benefit from the advantages of additive manufacturing

                • 面向功能的零件设计
                • 多个功能的组合和集成
                • 轻型设计可保存材料
                • Print an assembly in one piece
                • 立即制造没有其他工具
                • Fast time-to-market
          • 部分

          • 3D Microprint GmbH提供了完整的解决方案链,用于生产精确印花金属零件。在3D打印中体验高精度。

            The production of printed micro metal parts with fine details, smooth surface finish and high precision is the key competence of 3D MicroPrint GmbH. With our technology Micro Laser Sintering we supply a cost-effective, material-efficient and economical manufacturing of customized parts, prototypes up to series production of micro metal parts, including all advantages of 3D printing.



            • 医疗行业
            • 汽车
            • Aerospace
            • Semiconductor and MEMS
            • Energy and chemical
            • 珠宝和手表
            • 机器通过3D-Micromac AG稳定出售

            • 3D微印’ s machines deliver best results in terms of detail resolution, accuracy and surface finish for 3D printed micro metal parts by micro laser sintering.


              If you have special requirements we are happy to tailor your solution.

              Our machines are exlusively sold through the3D-Micromac AG

                • DMP50 GP

                • DMP50 GP是您进入微型金属零件添加剂制造世界的正确选择。

                  The DMP50 GP serves since 2013 industrial and R&D needs. It processes materials like Stainless Steel, Tungsten and highly reactive materials such as Titanium.

                  高细节分辨率和准确性,表面表面效果非常好,运行成本低以及易用性是它的亮点。通过纯化的惰性氩气和空气锁确保过程和工作安全,以确保安全处理高达5 µm的粉末颗粒。灵活的DMP50 GP满足研发工作的要求以及稳定系列生产的要求

                  Main specifications:
                  • Infrared Fiber Laser 50 Watt
                  • 激光点尺寸≤30µm
                  • 建筑平台Ø57x 30mm³
                  • 层厚度1 µm至5 µm
                  • 惰性氩气气氛
                  • 气体紧密设计和气体清洁 - 较低的运行成本
                  • 气锁和快速转移端口
                  • 加工高反应性材料
                • DMP60系列

                • DMP60系列是用于微激光烧结的当前机器生成。
                  Requirements from industry and universities have helped us to develop this enhanced system.



                  DMP63:The most common of our machines. It serves the highest productivity for nonreactive and reactive materials. Included is a zero-point clamping system for easy post processing with highest accuracy based on industrial standards. Also with a high power laser option available for processing of high-melting materials.

                  DMP64:If you need superior detail resolution < 15 µm, the DMP64 is the right choice. It sets the pace with best detail resolution, accuracy and surface finish. It is also equipped with a zero-point clamping system and processes reactive materials too.

                  Main specifications:
                  • Infrared Fiber Laser
                  • 层厚度1 µm至5 µm
                  • 惰性氩气气氛
                  • 气锁和快速转移端口
                  • 加工高反应性材料
              • 材料

                    • 材料

                    • 对粉末材料进行量身定制,以满足微激光烧结的要求。我们使用的粉末尺寸较小5 µm,以实现非常好的细节分辨率。与行业和大学的选定合作伙伴一起,我们开发了这些高科技粉末。