  • Offer Profile
  • Posalux是一家专门从事微加工的瑞士公司,专注于需要高科技设备的高度要求的市场。大规模生产的微技术领先的解决方案提供商
  • EDM

      • Microfor HP4 EDM

      • 专为大众生产而设计
        • High productivity
        • 高定位精度
        • 过程稳定性
        • Easy machine maintenance
        • 多主轴机
        • Compact water deionization system
        • 西门子840D SL

        • Based on the electro erosion principle the integrated micro-EDM generator allows machining with shorter cycle times implying up to 30 % more productivity.
        • Micro-EDM generator interface with high-speed mode and direct communication.

        • 表面饰面RA <0.3μm。
        • Elimination of micro-vibrations by separation of filtration tank from machine frame.
        • 集成在摄像机和自动定位程序上的屏幕有助于设置电极和零件固定的针头
        • Decrease of leak check time by 50 %.
        • 新接口HMI:
        • 过程参数的实时监视
        • 侵蚀时间和电极磨损的存储和可视化
      • EDM HFP微型EDM

      • 专为灵活的小批量生产而设计
        • High productivity
        • 高定位精度
        • 过程稳定性
        • Easy machine maintenance
        • Compact water deionization system
        • 西门子840D SL

        • Based on the electro erosion principle the integrated micro-EDM generator allows machining with shorter cycle times implying up to 30 % more productivity.
        • Micro-EDM generator interface with high-speed mode and direct communication.

        • 表面饰面RA <0.3μm。
        • Elimination of micro-vibrations by separation of filtration tank from machine frame.
        • 集成在摄像机和自动定位程序上的屏幕有助于设置电极和零件固定的针头
        • Decrease of leak check time by 50 %.
        • 新接口HMI:
        • 过程参数的实时监视
        • 更灵活的编程可能性
        • 侵蚀时间和电极磨损的存储和可视化

    • SACE

          • SACE - 火花辅助化学雕刻

          • Spark Assisted Chemical Engraving - SACE
            • 质量和柔性生产:原型小型系列,批次“ 1尺寸”。
            • 具有各种可能配置的模块化概念:1至4个头机器配置。
            • 高定位精度and process stability.
            • 洁净压缩空气tible.
            • 掩盖过程更少。
            • 低工具成本。
            • 表面加强和纹理。
            • 2,5 d加工。
            • 毛刺和微裂缝无加工。

            Machining specifications

            • 0.05至1.5 mm3/min/工具,具体取决于所需的质量。
            • Multitool technology : 1 to 36 tools possible per module

            • 医疗行业
              • Microfluidic devices
              • 多层混合器
              • 片实验室
            • 观看行业
              • 观看表盘玻璃
              • 机械零件
              • 装饰
            • 电子产业
              • 通过玻璃VIA(TGV)钻孔
              • interposer
              • 光学PCB
              • 微电动机械系统(MEMS)

          • FEMTO激光3轴机器

          • Advanced µ-machining solutions for high-tech production

            Characteristics :

            • FEMTO源降低到200 fs
            • Light wave length : nIR (1030 nm)
            • 5-axis precession head
            • Vision system, beam attenuator, shutter, beam analyser, power recorder
            • 机器1(i),FEMTO-LASER 4(IV)
            • 专用的多功能软件
            • 西门子840 D SL,安全整合CNC
            • 机器在+/- 1°C,以超压操作


            • 焦距测量
            • 可互换的夹具设备
            • 高精度定位X-Y桌子(300×300毫米)
            • 用于重新定位检查的摄像机
            • 粉尘提取
            • 单声道配置(原型和质量生产一台头机)
          • FEMTO激光5轴机器

          • Advanced µ-machining solutions for high-tech production

            Characteristics :

            • FEMTO源降低到200 fs
            • Various harmonics available (wave length): nIR and green
            • 5-axis precession head
            • Vision system, beam attenuator, shutter, beam analyser, power recorder
            • 线性轴系统允许高动态和准确的运动
            • 机器1(i),FEMTO-LASER 4(IV)
            • 西门子840 D SL,安全整合CNC
            • 机器在+/- 1°C,以超压操作

            • 焦距测量
            • 自动加载 /卸载解决方案
            • 用于定位的相机
            • 粉尘提取
            • 双配置(钻孔期间的隐藏时间数据收集)
            • 组合构型(激光钻孔和机械铣削联合溶液)
        • MECHANICAL Micro-Machining

            • 单,二人组和三人组

              • 创新和人体工程学设计
              • 单,二,三和六个电台单,组合或双重版本可用
              • X, Y and Z axis with linear motor drives
              • 工件格式:635 x 724毫米(25英寸x 28.5英寸)
              • XY individual technology available on TRIO model (workpiece format : 610 x 724 mm – 24″ x 28.5″)
              • Choice from an extensive range of drilling, routing or combination spindles
              • 主轴速度范围从5'000到350’000 rpm
              • Tool management system with chain, Asian Tool Change (ATC) and cassette
              • 新的Posalux CNC 5000 - 强大的数字伺服驱动器,用于刚性轴控制
              • Z轴单元的高级概念 - 刚度增加,质量降低
              • 新一代的多插入压力垫(IPF3)用于钻孔和路由
              • 第二个测量系统,可在受控深度路由下进行完美的表面检测
              • 标准和定制夹具系统
              • CCD摄像机注册
              • Automation – individual loader with up to 22 levels
                • 单个装载机

                • Up to 22 levels
                • Z轴的新概念

                  • 减少质量
                  • 提高指南比率
                  • 高刚度
                • IPF3 – Drilling and routing

                • Interchangeable Pressure Foot with 3 positions

                  Air gap function : air flow through inserts to avoid any scratching of entry foil

                • 机器版本:单版

                • 每个车站一个加工单元
                • 机器版本:Combi版本

                • 每个车站两个不同的交替加工单元
                • 机器版本:双版本

                • Two identical machining units per station
              • 最终的

                  • 最终的单核细胞增多症

                  • 高端应用程序的高级µ型解决方案

                  • 终极二人

                  • 用于测试插座应用的高级µ型解决方案

                • Technologies

                    • 通过V7技术的EDM微加工

                    • POSALUX MICRO-EDM解决方案,用于所有高端生产性微滴定需求,基于超过20年的要求汽车应用经验。

                        • 功能

                        • The process is based on the electro-erosion principle. Material is removed from the workpiece by a series of rapidly recurring current discharges between two electrodes, separated by a dielectric liquid and subject to an electric voltage. One of the electrodes is called the tool-electrode, or simply the “tool” or “electrode,” while the other is called the workpiece-electrode, or “workpiece.” The process depends upon the tool and workpiece not making actual contact.

                          为了使高质量的微孔机posalux EDM机器有一个tilting head随着压力的变形allows to control the diameter of the hole, resulting in a run-out of the tool electrode. The electrode turns with a decentering, giving two different gaps, one where sparks erode the material and another, bigger one, allowing a better flushing of eroded materials. In combination with CNC driven axis and a high-speed interface to communicate with the micro EDM generator, perfect micro holes are the result.

                        • μ-EDM

                        • The use of the latest, integrated SARIX μ-EDM technology allows machining with high quality and efficiency, meeting the needs of mass production scenarios.


                          汽车 - 柴油机和汽油注入喷嘴中的喷孔钻孔。阀板的微钻。

                          Electrode guiding system



                          • 流程检查系统以表征可重复性和稳定性
                          • Optical and fiber non-destructive measurements to control hole diameter, shape and position
                          • 扫描电子显微镜(SEM)

                        • 微加工

                          • 孔直径从生产的70μm到2毫米(0.003至0.08英寸)
                          • 锥形孔,反向锥度高达150μm/mm
                          • 壁厚 /孔直径比12
                          • All shapes (square, rectangle, oblong, …)
                          • 所有导电材料
                          • 没有毛刺和材料存款,没有微裂缝
                          • 流稳定性:+/- 3%CP 1.67
                          • 光滑粗糙度:RA <0.3μm;RZ <1μm
                          • 6 holes application diameter 150 μm , thickness 0.8 mm :
                            侵蚀时间:25 S /孔
                      • SACE - 火花辅助化学雕刻

                      • SACE - 火花辅助化学雕刻– is an innovative solution to machine glass substrates without material alteration, keeping transparency properties with high accuracy.

                        原理 /功能


                        Our objective is to increase the fundamental knowledge about material removal process with the aim to increase repeatability and precision of machining and develop strategies to functionalize glass during machining.

                        Glass micro-maching very often comes to its limits when requirements of no microcracks, no deposits and no burrs are necessary for post-processing e.g. like fusion bonding. Posalux SACE technology overcomes these issues. Our built-in patented “zero force” technology regulates vertical forces such that there is never a touch of workpiece and tool. SACE is a hybrid process, chemical and thermal, which does not influence the material structure while maching the required geometries. Various processes are possible like drilling, cutting, engraving, and structuring that are normally very difficult to machine.

                        • 圆柱孔
                        • blind holes
                        • 锥形孔(TGV)

                        • 自由形状的形状
                        • 高度控制结构(金字塔)
                        • roughing or finishing
                          • Tool for molding

                          • Tool for molding

                          • 微流体系统

                          • Watch dial

                          • 医疗装置

                          • 厚的微流体系统

                        • femto激光μ配合

                        • FEMTO LASER μ-machining is the most advanced laser technology to process a wide range of materials. Thanks to very low heat diffusion time (< 300 fs), thermal effects are avoided. Surface and geometries quality is improved due to high energy density. High repetition rate allows excellent productivity.




                          With each FEMTO LASER pulse that hits the work-piece a small amount of material immediately vaporizes. The material removal occurs in a controlled manner leading to no damage, burrs or any negative influences to the material integrity.

                          posalux femto激光μ配款溶液的好处是:

                          • FEMTO来源<300 fs
                          • 最高水平的准确性和生产率
                          • 稳定且可重复的质量
                          • 冷消融保持材料完整性(NAZ)
                          • 在24/7工业环境中经过验证的绩效


                          • Ceramic
                          • 硝基
                          • 聚合物
                          • 珍贵材料
                          • 钢,不锈钢
                          • 黄铜
                            • 电子设备 - FEM TOWRING操作(FTO) - 接触销进行测试设备

                            • High Ratio Holes (ratio 1:12)

                            • 制表 - 齿轮轮用于铜管 /莫利乔特

                          • 钻井 /铣削 /路线

                          • 高科技2.5D微型加工解决方案致力于用于电子和手表市场的大规模生产。


                            • Materials : aluminium, PCB, steel, hardened steel, brass, copper
                            • 深度控制钻井和铣削过程
                            • Refered to top/bottom and inner layers



                            • 基于FR4的PCB
                            • 金属支持的PCB
                            • 绝缘金属基板(IMS)PCB


                            • X,Y和Z轴有线性电动机驱动器
                            • 受控的深度钻孔和路由过程(盲孔,浮动,映射,抛光等)
                            • 精度±15微米
                            • 轴加速度高达4G
                            • Diameter/depth ratio 1/10
                            • Up to 12 spindles per machine
                            • 最多嵌入12’000个工具
                            • 具有Posalux直观MMI的软件
                            • 有两个相同的加工单元的双重版本


                            • 专为板和板块设计
                            • 孔直径降至75微米
                            • High productivity : up to 20 hits/sec/spindle
                            • 过程稳定性:温度管理和轴定位优化
                            • Accuracy improved by alternating drilling and routing on the same machine
                              • 微加工

                              • 微加工

                              • 微加工