• H49Manufacturing Process Control

    • Systems and solutions for non-contact temperature measurement from -100�C to 3000�C
    • A1
    • Virtual Stand
    • 在工业自动化应用和商用车的超声传感器领域的认可专家。
    • A3
    • Virtual Stand
    • We are a leading manufacturer and system provider of high-precision, tactile and nontactile production metrology.
    • A5
    • Virtual Stand
    • Zygo Corporation是高级光学计量系统设计和制造的全球领导者,以及超专业的光学组件和组件。Zygo提供3D光学剖面,激光干涉仪,纳米位置传感器,精度光学组件和系统
    • Zygo
    • A7
    • Virtual Stand
    • Complete and innovative metrology offering, including state-of-the-art 2.5D vision measuring systems complemented with optical and mechanical 3D metrology solutions.
    • C1
    • Virtual Stand
    • 全球高速凸轮的主要制造商as & systems, industrial video systems, offering turn key solutions
    • AOS Technologies
    • C3
    • Virtual Stand
    • We are developing the most innovative infrared and fiber optic thermometry, radiometric thermal imagers and blackbodies.
    • Advanced Energy
    • C5
    • Virtual Stand
    • 海曼传感器is an established manufacturer of high quality infrared thermopiles, thermopile modules and pyroelectric sensors for remote temperature measurement and gas analysis.
    • 海曼传感器
    • C7
    • Virtual Stand
    • The Fast Way to Better Products - Time-Saving Photostability and Weatherfastness Testing
    • Atlas Material Testing Solutions
    • E1
    • Virtual Stand
    • 机器视觉软件,3D计量软件,智能相机,条形码和标识传感器以及用于食品,饮料,电子以及深度学习,热成像,2D等领域等行业的现成系统图像处理。
    • E3
    • Virtual Stand
    • We are the first address for Dye Laser, Laser Accessories and Optomechanics.
    • 辐射染料激光
    • E5
    • Virtual Stand
    • We are a global supplier of optical 3D surface measurement solutions for quality assurance in the lab and in production
    • E7
    • Virtual Stand
    • SARSPEC的产品范围包括CCD阵列光谱仪,光源,采样配件,光纤和光纤探针,可提供用于测量吸光度,反射率,透射率,辐照度,颜色,拉曼,拉曼,荧光和其他发光形式的解决方案NIR波长范围。
    • G1
    • Virtual Stand
    • We offer precision tools, gages, measuring Instruments and saw blades for industrial, professional and consumer markets worldwide
    • G3
    • Virtual Stand
    • 光学,机械和触觉测量技术使具有高精度索赔的创新产品制造
    • G5
    • Virtual Stand
    • Reserved for
    • We offer Control & Servo Technology, Inverters, Communication, EMC, Electronic Assembly, Magnet Technology, Motors & Gears
    • KEB
    • I1
    • Virtual Stand
    • 用于噪声和操作测试,材料测试,过程监测,材料中故障的声音传感器...
    • schallsensor.de
    • I2
    • Virtual Stand
    • Complete automation solutions: software, controlers, motion controls, motors, energy monitoring, power supplies, sensors and plugs
    • Rockwell Automation
    • I3
    • Virtual Stand
    • BARTEC产品和解决方案可以防止爆炸爆炸,例如易燃液体,气体和灰尘等危险物质,并确保人类的安全并保护环境。
    • I5
    • Virtual Stand
    • Products for industrial automation (pneumatic components) and fluid control components (solenoid and pressure operated valves)
    • I7
    • Virtual Stand
    • Your partner for high precision instruments to measure temperatur and density in all industrial and research fields.
    • Ludwig Schneider
    • I8
    • Virtual Stand
    • Schleicher Electronic Berlin GmbH is the leading supplier of automation solutions with its own NC kernel for machine and installation construction.
    • K1
    • Virtual Stand
    • 提供最高质量的自动化组件和完整的自动化解决方案。
    • Mitsubishi Electric Europe
    • K3
    • Virtual Stand
    • Boylon GmbH is a professional distribution company for temperature sensors and �parts based on IEC and DIN standards.
    • Boylon
    • K5
    • Virtual Stand
    • Float switches, temperature sensors, temperature indicating, evaluating instruments and controlling equipment
    • ENGLER
    • K6
    • Virtual Stand
    • Cubert在各种应用领域(例如遥感,生命科学,机器视觉等)提供实时光谱成像。
    • K7
    • Virtual Stand