• H02行业和环境

    • GEA是最大的食品加工技术供应商之一,也是其他各种行业。全球小组专注于各种最终用户市场中复杂生产过程的技术,组件和可持续解决方案。
    • A1
    • Virtual Stand
    • Tomra于1972年创立于1972年的一项创新,始于反向自动售货机(RVM)的设计,制造和销售,用于自动收集二手饮料容器。如今,Tomra继续创新并提供最佳的解决方案,以实现最佳资源生产力。
    • A3
    • Virtual Stand
    • Sutco RecyclingTechnik is one of the worldwide largest manufacturers of treatment systems for different waste flows and offers from complete sorting and treatment plants.
    • A5
    • Virtual Stand
    • We provide complete diesel and gas power generation solutions for cost-effective and reliable energy solutions
    • A7
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    • HAAS designs innovative machines and plants for the processing of waste wood and waste. TYRON is for example the ideal solution for shredding and volume reduction of e.g. waste wood, green waste, household waste, bulky waste or industrial waste.
    • C1
    • Virtual Stand
    • Eggersmann sets new standards in recycling with its specially developed plants, concepts and products. We offer mechanical and biological treatment solutions.
    • Eggersmann
    • C3
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    • Individually designed process and gas analysis systems and desulfurization
    • Awite
    • C5
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    • Zemmler Siebanlagen GmbH是一家手机域名le and stationary double trommel screening machines
    • C7
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    • Hammel Recyclingtechnik GmbH为客户提供了各种各样的切碎技术 - 从主要和次要切碎器到筛选技术和完整的加工厂。Hammel产品系列为您提供了正确的解决方案。
    • E1
    • Virtual Stand
    • 我们强大的,多功能的垃圾填埋场压缩机,碎纸机,碟片和风刺器是为重型工作而制造的,并且拥有改变废物管理业务所需的一切。
    • E3
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    • 我们的范围从单个用于移动处置的机器到全面的工业规模固定解决方案。我们广泛的行业知识使我们不仅可以开发广泛的标准范围,还可以开发特定于行业的解决方案,这些解决方案为客户提供真正的附加值。
    • E5
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    • 从标准离心泵到密封的,磁性耦合,绝对干燥的安全离心泵
    • E7
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    • NIHOT回收技术是使用受控空气的废物分离技术,系统和组件供应方面的公认市场领导者。NIHOT的空气技术反映了卓越的可靠性,提供了较高的废物分离效率。
    • G1
    • Virtual Stand
    • VIGO System S.A. is a world-leading manufacturer of uncooled infrared photon detectors.
    • G3
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    • Everything for Your Forklift Truck: Tipping Skips, Chute and Stacking Skips, Shovels and Transfer Silo, Drum Lifting Equipment, Platforms...
    • Eichinger
    • G5
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    • Nilfisk是专业清洁产品和服务的全球领先提供商:工业真空吸尘器,洗涤器烘干机,清洁剂,燃烧器,地毯提取器和压力垫圈
    • G7
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    • Providing Cloud-enabled Remote Equipment Monitoring for Water and Wastewater Management
    • Advantech
    • I1
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    • We are worldwide technological leader in the construction of batch biogas plants for generating electricity from waste.
    • i3
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    • We manufacture water analysis and treatment systems, electronic controllers & transmitters, dosing pumps, automation systems and poll desinfection systems.
    • i5
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    • 阿尔法·拉瓦尔(Alfa Laval)is today a world leader within the key technology areas of heat transfer, separation and fluid handling.
    • I7
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    • 保留
    • Invent开发,生产和全球实施水和废水处理的组件,系统和过程。
    • K3
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    • Our product portfolio ranges from stationary and mobile shredding machines for waste management through to complete systems for plastics recycling as well as for SRF/RDF production.
    • K5
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    • 塑料焊接技术:Ritmo S.P.A是世界领导者,拥有超过35年的塑料焊接设备经验。所有产品均根据国际标准和指令(UNI,ISO,CEE)设计和制造。
    • K7
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    • Pleuger提供了各种各样的潜水泵,配备水电机和用于水应用的系统,以及全面的技术服务和支持以及推进器。
    • M1
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    • Technology to process biomass: mobile chipper, biomass processor, woodcracker, turning and mixing machine and regrinder
    • M3
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    • URT engineers, sells and offers services of recycling plants for electrical and electronic scrap (WEEE).
    • URT
    • M5
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    • 对于全球回收植物,我们设计,供应,安装和维护塑料回收机械和几乎各种塑料的完整洗涤线。
    • M7
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    • BEZNER-OSWALD offers solutions in recycling, waste management, bulk handling, wood processing, heat exchanging, and more.
    • Bezner-Oswald
    • O1
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    • As a specialist in the recovery of non-ferrous metals from slags, or bottom ash (IBA), Recco facilitates a state-of-the-art system that separates the aluminium and heavy metals.
    • recco
    • O3
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    • Antha-Pol is specialized in machinery for bulk material handling and recycling industries.
    • O5
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    • 我们在生产和可回收材料周期中开发,生产和销售技术复杂,高质量的机器以及用于切碎,运送和处理初级和次要原材料的系统。
    • O7
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    • N.M. Heiligdesign, develop, deliver, install, and maintain recycling and bulk material handling systems.
    • Q1
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    • Geurts热交换器工程师,建造和供应热交换器和废物恢复产品
    • Q3
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    • 海里格混合技术offers machines for every mixing process
    • Q5
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    • 借助我们内部经验丰富的工程师团队,我们可以根据您的特定要求来建立单个废物分类,回收或运送组件。另外,我们提供交钥匙解决方案。
    • Q7
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    • Centrifugal pumps, in-line pumps, multi-stage close coupled pumps, peripheral pumps, ger pumps, submerged pumps...
    • Calpeda Pumpen
    • S1
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    • EREMA is the world's number one in developing and manufacturing plastics recycling machines and system components.
    • S3
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